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We're 9 months into the Trump presidency...
Posted by MikeC/TX of TX on 10/21/17 11:29pmMsg #71102
...and putting aside his false claims that he has done more than any other president this early in their term, he has failed - despite having total control of Congress - to get his party to pass a single piece of major legislation. Not one.

Whatever he has been able to do has been through Executive Orders, which were considered constitutional blasphemy by the GOP during the Obama years, but seem perfectly acceptable to them right now. Another case of it all depends on whose ox is being gored.

Given the upcoming holiday breaks, there are may be about 20 legislative days left this year. Nothing is going to get done - while the Senate has passed a budget, the House has still not weighed in and there is still no actual bill for tax reform/cuts to be considered by either House.

Trump may go down in history as the first president to get absolutely nothing of any significance done legislatively in his first year. Comparing himself to FDR is just an example of his incredible hubris. He's nothing like FDR; heck, he's not even as intelligent as Bush 43, who gave a great speech the other day that trashed Trump without naming him...
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Messages in this Thread
 We're 9 months into the Trump presidency... - MikeC/TX on 10/21/17 11:29pm
 Re: We - FGX/NJ on 10/22/17 12:57pm
 Re: We - MikeC/TX on 10/22/17 2:57pm
 Re: We - fiberguru on 10/30/17 12:38pm

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