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Re: Issues with a specific bank POA
Posted by LJCA of AK on 2/17/19 5:15pm Msg #603444
You are correct on every level. First notary did everything by notary code/law/regulations. You even checked to make sure it was acceptable by the bank. Then the banks legal department changed their rules. At least the bank manager tried to make it right and notarized the documents to satisfy their legal department. Glad you copied and gave the bank the current notary code print outs about Acknowledgement certificates. Hopefully in the near future they will have a meeting with all their new notaries and their legal department and understand California notary codes when it comes to Acknowledgements versa Jurats procedures. You did everything correctly and within your power!

I had a bank manager (out-of-state) reject my signature on a notarized document. I have a scribble for a signature and to him that was not acceptable because it was illegible. We had to re-notarize the document and I had to sign with a legible signature according to him. The signature doesn't match my drivers lic. or passport. Oh well, he/she who has the power makes the rules!

Sorry this happened to you but rest easy that you did everything correctly :-)
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Messages in this Thread
 Issues with a specific bank POA -  canotaryhere on 2/16/19 2:55pm
 Re: Issues with a specific bank POA - Luckydog on 2/16/19 4:47pm
 strike outs - Clem/CA on 2/16/19 7:58pm
 Re: strike outs -  canotaryhere on 2/16/19 8:31pm
 Re: strike outs - LJCA on 2/16/19 11:44pm
 Re: strike outs - Linda_H/FL on 2/17/19 7:57am
 ^^^^^ What Linda said; and my opinion re: bank notary. -  JanetK_CA on 2/17/19 5:42pm
 Re: strike outs - LisaKT/CA on 2/17/19 12:05pm
 Re: strike outs - LJCA on 2/17/19 4:35pm
 Re: Issues with a specific bank POA - JustANotary on 2/17/19 1:10am
 Re: Issues with a specific bank POA -  canotaryhere on 2/17/19 3:12pm
 Re: Issues with a specific bank POA - LisaKT/CA on 2/17/19 4:25pm
 Re: Issues with a specific bank POA -  canotaryhere on 2/17/19 4:38pm
 Re: Issues with a specific bank POA - LJCA on 2/17/19 5:15pm
 Re: Issues with a specific bank POA -  canotaryhere on 2/17/19 5:44pm
 Bank Rejecting Properly Notarized Document - ABC Legal Docs, LLC - Jerry Lucas on 2/18/19 9:45am
 Re: Bank Rejecting Properly Notarized Document -  JanetK_CA on 2/18/19 2:10pm
 Re: Bank Rejecting Properly Notarized Document -  canotaryhere on 2/19/19 12:53am
 Re: Issues with a specific bank POA - Luckydog on 2/18/19 9:51am
 Re: Issues with a specific bank POA - LisaKT/CA on 2/18/19 11:51am
 Re: Issues with a specific bank POA -  canotaryhere on 2/18/19 11:53am

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