So, this morning, I still had shoulder/back pain that started yesterday morning. Very painful to move my left arm/shoulder. My trusted friend and chiropractor got me right in. Fixed me up. And, of course, there I am lying on the chiropractor table getting worked on when my phone starts to vibrate. I did remember in my painful stupor when I walked in to put my phone on silent. But, I can still hear the vibrate. But, my pain is diminishing, and I'm starting to feel like I can actually work today and not SNARL at someone. And, of course, 20 minutes later when I finally can get to the phone, I've missed a call for a signing. I thought, boy, I'm sure I missed that one.
But, I call the client back....and much to my delight...."Oh, we saved it for you, Di."
It's all about the relationships. |