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Small udate.
Posted by CJ of CA on 7/23/16 9:58am Msg #556706
I was worried because Kim told me that she was nervous to go up there alone, with no one to stand by her. Kim was very upset about the whole thing. Kim said would call me afterwards, and then she didn't, so I was more and more worried. I was texting, emailing, calling, and getting nothing. (Our family has the "worry gene", so I was fearing the worst.) But it turned out that Kim went out afterwards and THEN called me.

Kim said two other notaries showed up, and they were not really allowed to give "their side of the story", but only allowed to ask questions, and Tiffany's attorney kept saying THOSE questions were not allowed, but the judge said they were. Kim said that Tiffany lied about everything. Even the amounts listed as to what she owed the notaries were lower that what the notaries told Kim. Tiffany also listed her business loan, a bank overdraft and a jewelry store in the creditors. So Tiffany got away with pocketing over $100,000 of our hard work, and the jewels, and everything is in her husband's name, so she came off as "poor, helpless me".

When I tried to serve her, her home is a large, two-story home up in the canyon with a coded gate and a security camera. Her husband Athan Karris and his mom Betty Karris have a real-estate business together (Cavalier Real Estate) at the same address listed with the Secretary of State as T.L. Signing, and when I tried to serve her there, they said they did not know Tiffany Lane or anything about TL Signing Service. The Karrises own so much property they even have a street named "Karris" up near their house. When I told the Secretary of State that the address was no good for process of service, they just said, "Our computer says that address is still active, so it's okay".

Basically, since I could not serve her at her business, nor her fortress-like home, I was not able to take her to court. I kept postponing the date. The Small Claims help desk at my court house said that because TL is a corporation and not an individuals, I cannot substitute serve, or serve by mail or serve by publication. I can only serve TIFFANY at THAT address. And they all knew it. Their whole family is a brood of vipers. (Children excluded - for now.)
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Messages in this Thread
 Tiffany Lane's bankruptcy trial was today. - CJ on 7/22/16 8:16pm
 Kim called me. She is okay. - CJ on 7/22/16 9:09pm
 Re: Tiffany Lane - aanotary on 7/22/16 9:18pm
 I'm only out..... - notarydi/CA on 7/23/16 12:57am
 Just to clear up the terminology, it's not a 'trial'... - Marian_in_CA on 7/23/16 3:28am
 TY, Marian, appreciate that. : ) n/m -  Christine/OK on 7/23/16 6:23am
 Tacky Tiffany. Thanks for the memories. - Cheryl Elliott on 7/23/16 8:39am
 Re: Tacky Tiffany. Thanks for the memories. -  C. Rivera Chicago Notary Services on 7/23/16 9:24am
 never worked for this company but not everyone can handle -  C. Rivera Chicago Notary Services on 7/23/16 9:18am
 Small udate. - CJ on 7/23/16 9:58am
 P.S. Therefore - she made sure that no one could sue her. n/m - CJ on 7/23/16 10:03am
 Re: Small udate. - Cheryl Elliott on 7/23/16 10:11am
 Tiffany's mother and sister scheduled from Idaho - Cheryl Elliott on 7/23/16 11:12am
 Sadistic? Tacky? Really? - BearPaw/CO on 7/23/16 12:23pm
 If you bleeive she lied under oath, or is hiding something.. - Marian_in_CA on 7/24/16 2:44pm
 Re: If you bleeive she lied under oath, or is hiding something.. - John Tennant on 7/24/16 9:28pm
 Re: Tiffany Lane - Annette/TX on 7/25/16 1:12am
 Agreed Annette => saddened as well by the unprofessional -  Christine/OK on 7/26/16 7:26am

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