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Seeking wisdom and advice with international implications
Posted by  Linda_in_IN of IN on 4/24/17 9:32am Msg #574135
I have a something that I feel is bigger than I can handle and need advice or help. I received the following message via my Yelp account.

"I need my high school diploma notarized to turn it to enroll the international medical school. I graduated from LHSI [a local school here in Indianapolis] and I live in Japan now. Also I already send my diploma to the apostille service center in Illinois. They say, "The school registrars wet signature needs to be notarized, and your document has no notarization."
The school does not have a notary."

Additional emails provided the following.
- the individual was here as an exchange student and has no family/contacts in the area.
- the individual is planning on attending medical school in Europe (Bulgaria)

Indiana does allow for the notarization via attestation, of a copy. What is the roadblock for me is that this individual has NO family/representation locally that could act on their behalf. I don't know if I want to or can take on the responsibility of acting on behalf of this individual. I feel like I am coming into this mid-stream, since paperwork has already been sent to an Apostille Center. My past experience with Apostille related documents is limited to notarizing the document then having the individual personally take that document to the Secretary of State for the process to continue.

Any advice or counsel? Or should I turn and run?
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Messages in this Thread
 Seeking wisdom and advice with international implications -  Linda_in_IN on 4/24/17 9:32am
 Re: Seeking wisdom and advice with international implications -  Roger_OH on 4/24/17 10:03am
 Re: Seeking wisdom and advice with international implications -  VT_Syrup on 4/24/17 10:31am
 act already known-certified copy needed n/m -  sigtogo/OR on 4/24/17 10:44am
 I think Roger has the best advice to offer, as always. I've -  MW/VA on 4/24/17 1:44pm
 May require different process for different states. -  JanetK_CA on 4/24/17 2:15pm
 I know it varies by state, but I thought CA had something -  MW/VA on 4/24/17 2:29pm
 Re: I know it varies by state, but I thought CA had something -  VT_Syrup on 4/24/17 4:13pm
 Re: I know it varies by state, but I thought CA had something -  JanetK_CA on 4/24/17 7:36pm
 you aren't entering mid stream- its a start over for student -  sigtogo/OR on 4/24/17 10:43am
 Re: Seeking wisdom and advice with international implications -  JanetK_CA on 4/24/17 1:23pm
 Re: Seeking wisdom and advice with international implications -  JAM/CA on 4/24/17 1:28pm
 Re: Seeking wisdom and advice with international implications - Joe Ewing on 4/24/17 6:04pm
 Re: Seeking wisdom and advice with international implications -  Cari on 4/25/17 10:54am
 Re: Seeking wisdom and advice with international implications -  JanetK_CA on 4/28/17 2:53pm
 Thanks for all the input and comments -  Linda_in_IN on 4/25/17 4:15pm

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