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Docusign Hacked! Damage limited to emails - so far...
Posted by JanetK_CA of CA on 5/19/17 2:22am Msg #575277
Here's a link to the article:

The major concern appears to be the potential for increased sophisticated phishing and spoofing of other websites to the emails obtained. So if you've ever signed anything via docusign, be careful!

And with a bit of luck, this might temporarily discourage the move to e-signing and maybe even webcam notarizing. At least one can hope! Wink
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Messages in this Thread
 Docusign Hacked! Damage limited to emails - so far... - JanetK_CA on 5/19/17 2:22am
 Re: Docusign Hacked! Damage limited to emails - so far... -  Cari on 5/19/17 5:16am
 Re: Docusign Hacked! Damage limited to emails - so far... -  Cari on 5/19/17 5:31am
 Your father was very wise. :) n/m - ananotary on 5/19/17 10:58am
 IMO it's no surprise that cos. like this are going to be a -  MW/VA on 5/19/17 4:49pm

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