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Re: JB
Posted by Linda_H/FL of FL on 4/5/18 1:21pm Msg #591919
Not only is he not a notary - his test is not state-specific. ALL notaries must answer according to CA notary law.... yeah, good luck with that.
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 JB on the numbers site deleted my listing because I had not - grapebed on 4/5/18 11:44am
 Re: JB on the numbers site deleted my listing because I had not -  janCA on 4/5/18 11:58am
 Re: JB on the numbers site deleted my listing because I had not - Lee/AR on 4/5/18 12:57pm
 I just do not understand something here - Linda_H/FL on 4/5/18 1:05pm
 Re: JB - Jules on 4/5/18 1:19pm
 Re: JB - Linda_H/FL on 4/5/18 1:21pm
 Exactly, Linda. When he had called me a while back, he -  MW/VA on 4/5/18 2:24pm
 Re: I just do not understand something here - SteveS/CA on 4/5/18 5:59pm
 He had called me a couple of weeks ago about re-testing for -  MW/VA on 4/5/18 2:22pm
 Re: He had called me a couple of weeks ago about re-testing for - Expeditor on 4/5/18 3:05pm
 Praying for your health, Joe. Getting a call from JB at a -  MW/VA on 4/5/18 4:19pm
 Re: He had called me a couple of weeks ago about re-testing for - Linda_H/FL on 4/5/18 4:37pm
 And Joe, I do wish you a speedy and uneventful recovery :) n/m - Linda_H/FL on 4/5/18 4:38pm
 From my experience, he's a high-maintenance nightmare. - SC/CA on 4/5/18 3:09pm
 I do need to say that through the years I got a lot of -  MW/VA on 4/5/18 5:42pm
 Re: JB on the numbers site deleted my listing because I had not - Luckydog on 4/5/18 8:09pm
 It's an advertising site--plain & simple. The folks at NR -  MW/VA on 4/6/18 9:54am
 Re: Deleted mine too, then put back up - Carolyn Bodley on 4/5/18 11:17pm
 Re: "and" not "abc" n/m - Carolyn Bodley on 4/5/18 11:19pm
 Re: Deleted mine too, then put back up -  janCA on 4/6/18 9:03am
 Re: Just spoke to Carmen at Notary 123 -  Mindy/ on 4/7/18 2:55pm
 Re: JB on the numbers site deleted my listing because I had not -  Mindy/ on 4/7/18 2:38pm
 Re: JB on the numbers site deleted my listing because I had not - Luckydog on 4/7/18 8:58pm
 Re: JB on the numbers site deleted my listing because I had not - shooterclay on 4/7/18 10:30pm
 Re: There is an online Petition to sign on the Cafe site -  Mindy/ on 4/8/18 10:05am
 Re: In reference to Mndy's account.... - Carmen/123 on 4/8/18 2:22pm
 Re: In reference to Mndy -  JanetK_CA on 4/8/18 3:00pm
 Re: In reference to Mndy - Carmen/123 on 4/8/18 4:46pm
 Carmen-might be helpful if you answer Janet’s question here -  sigtogo/OR on 4/8/18 8:47pm
 Re: Carmen-might be helpful if you answer Janet’s question here - Carmen/123 on 4/9/18 10:38am
 Re: In reference to Mndy -  Mindy/ on 4/15/18 10:27am
 Re: JB on the numbers site deleted my listing because I had not - Joe/NC on 4/9/18 9:14am

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