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I have been living in this h@ll for almost 2 weeks
Posted by Laura_V of WA on 3/4/10 10:10am Msg #325288
Truly a nightmare. Usually on the phone with various tech and abuse support ppl soon after I wake up at 3am or 4am every day. Today it's 6am because I slept in.

Spent 12 hours Wednesday a week ago on this problem. Several hours each day on all other days.

Got email around 5am today with new problem: old host deleted my entire email account with all contents without warning. I paid for that in advance. This morning alone I spoke with 3 tech ppl and am on hold on speaker phone to speak to the abuse tech dept. Again.

Heads up to NSAs - one of the nice ppl who responded to my cry for help on this forum is a part owner of Notary ASAP in SoCalif. Hugely generous and busy notary who does a ton of volunteer work.

I would imagine they treat their notaries with the same ethics so you may wish to sign up with them if you are VERY experienced.

Back to my nightmare -
I launched an artsy business last fall. Monday last week I started talking with two important charities in Canada about partnership marketing. I give them artsy thing I design and make that sells for $5K, they auction off to get even more $. Thing costs me hundreds to make and that is cheap marketing since my thing will be in front of the eyes of my best prospective clients.

One charity founder is so respected she was one of the ppl who carried the torch.

And neither charity can see my website. Arrrrrrrgh.

Filipino tech support just answered phone here

Now it's 2.5+ hours later I have spoken to a series of four tech / billing support ppl. (Good thing I know how to copy-paste into notepad so I don't lose text to getting timed out here.)

4th advanced tech in abuse dept just sent me and my tech friend in Denver an email that may fix site and help google to let ppl see my website again.

I have been sleeping 7 hours or so each night and waking up tired.

So, yes, I have heard of this evil malware. My wonderful webmaster retired and moved to some other state so I didn't have access to clean files.

to you wonderful ppl in notaryland who helped me with technical stuff, offered to help, and who gave me a shoulder when I was frustrated. I'll name only the names of ppl I know won't mind in no particular order:
Marian CA
Susan Fischer
Notary ASAP
Sylvia FL
Carolann W
and several more I've never even corresponded with before.

I was going to do a Go Live chat this Sunday but I've been a tad bit busy. I'll come through when I come up for air.
How about the Saturday before Easter Sunday? Or is Saturday a special holiday, too? Is Sat still date night in North America? Anyway, I have the topics ready just not the notes.
Carolann W and another notary helped me come up with great topics - you will love them.
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Messages in this Thread
 Something to think and wonder about: -  jba/fl on 3/4/10 3:11am
 Interesting and almost too big to get my head around. -  BrendaTx on 3/4/10 7:12am
 Re: Interesting and almost too big to get my head around. -  Patricia/VT on 3/4/10 8:07am
 Social engineering - great perception on these things. -  jba/fl on 3/4/10 8:42am
 "Nice and "obliging" are highly over-rated! -  Charles_Ca on 3/4/10 12:25pm
 Re: "Nice and "obliging" are highly over-rated! -  JanetK_CA on 3/4/10 3:05pm
 I have been living in this h@ll for almost 2 weeks - Laura_V on 3/4/10 10:10am

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