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Re: Not necessarily a good thing...
Posted by FGX/NJ of NJ on 12/16/16 5:54am Msg #68987
The man who is ending the 6 year civil war in Syria, while our president is joining the " Assad must go"mantra of the Sunni Turks, Sunni Saudis, Sunni Qatar, Sunni AE.
Ask Syrian Christians who has saved them for years from Muslim terror attacks.

The illegal coup in Ukraine was a threat to Russia's only warm water port and home of their Mediterranean Fleet. Crimea has been Russian for 350 years and is of vital national interest to them.

The Right Sector in Ukraine started a campaign against the Russian ethnic western Ukraine who would have been overrun without Russian Special Forces aid.
If Russia "invaded" they would have been in Kiev in 3 days.

A civilian many times is a terrorist who does not have a weapon in their hands. Fighting wars is a nasty business. Yes you win wars by killing people.

DJT happens to agree with my long held opinion that Russia is not our enemy.
The enemy is Fundamental Islam (an ideology not a religion).

ps: I am growing weary of your snide insulting remarks.
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Messages in this Thread
 Vladimir Putin tops Forbes 2016 list of most influential - FGX/NJ on 12/14/16 4:31pm
 Not necessarily a good thing... - MikeC/TX on 12/14/16 6:42pm
 Re: Not necessarily a good thing... - FGX/NJ on 12/15/16 6:16am
 Re: Not necessarily a good thing... - MikeC/TX on 12/15/16 4:40pm
 Re: Not necessarily a good thing... - FGX/NJ on 12/15/16 5:11pm
 Re: Not necessarily a good thing... - MikeC/TX on 12/15/16 6:48pm
 Re: Not necessarily a good thing... - FGX/NJ on 12/16/16 5:54am
 A little Ukranian history celebration - FGX/NJ on 12/16/16 12:19pm
 Re: Not necessarily a good thing... -  bagger on 12/16/16 2:45pm
 An apology - MikeC/TX on 12/16/16 6:07pm
 Re: An apology - FGX/NJ on 12/16/16 6:08pm

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