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Had as much effect as Clintion's Bread and Circuses attempts
Posted by  Moneyman/TX of TX on 12/22/16 10:26pmMsg #69037
... in the last few days before the election. Hillary had singers, actors, & celebrities come out to try to entertain the people; similar to how the Roman elite held games (Gladiators, Chariots, and the Roman Games) to distract the poor. At least that is what her campaign events reminded me of.

I have never understood why actors, and some politicians, believe that the general public would want to hear what people who make a living out of lying, and getting people to believe their lies, would give a crap what a paid liar, actor, would claim to believe on any subject just because they are famous.

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Messages in this Thread
 Desperation - FGX/NJ on 12/15/16 3:25pm
 Re: Desperation - Rick Ary on 12/20/16 6:51pm
 Had as much effect as Clintion's Bread and Circuses attempts -  Moneyman/TX on 12/22/16 10:26pm
 Re: Had as much effect as Clintion - Rick Ary on 12/25/16 8:08pm
 Re: Had as much effect as Clintion -  bagger on 12/26/16 12:07pm
 I hope this helps - FGX/NJ on 12/26/16 6:07pm
 Ah, so that makes MikeC a true ass! n/m -  bagger on 12/27/16 6:17am

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