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Re: CNN lawsuit
Posted by MikeC/TX of TX on 11/14/18 6:40pm Msg #72156
"The video was not doctored!
Flat out lie by the liberals."

Keep believing that. I saw the incident live and have seen the ORIGINAL video replayed often enough to realize that there's a difference between what actually happened and the video "proof" that Sanders released. A subsequent video overlayed the Infowars video on top of the original taken from CSPAN. The difference in speed at the point of contact is obvious; it makes it look as if Acosta was striking her, when in fact the contact was incidental - she reached for the mike as he was gesturing towards the president, and his hand brushed against her arm. He didn't even know she was there, and the ORIGINAL video clearly has him saying "Excuse me, ma'am" after they made contact. The doctored video eliminates that audio. The video Sanders presented came from Infowars, and was clearly doctored whether you choose to believe that or not.

I've explained why I believe it WAS doctored, so now you explain why you believe it wasn't.

"The White House did NOT ban CNN, just a rude, obnoxious, over-bearing egotist who is not a reporter"

No one said CNN was banned by the WH; the lawsuit is an effort to get Acosta's WH press credentials restored. And despite what you think of him personally, Jim Acosta is a veteran reporter who is well-respected in the industry and by his peers. I think it's telling that Fox News has filed an amicus brief in the suit - even THEY support CNN and Acosta in this case because it's about the basic issue of a free press, which is something that Trump hates.

A WH reporter's job is not to make friends, it's to challenge and ask tough questions. Trump doesn't like to be challenged and can't handle tough questions; he's rather have them pitching softballs at him. He is hostile to and dismissive of reporters who do their job and try to hold his feet to the fire. If you don't like the questions that Acosta and other reporters ask, don't watch their newscasts.

"As usual, Our duly elected President was correct."

He's rarely if ever correct about anything - at some point, folks like you will finally realize that he doesn't know what he's talking about most of the time. His latest - in an interview with Tucker Carlson's "The Daily Caller", Trump alleged that one form of voter fraud was to go out to your car, change your shirt and hat, and then go into the polling place and vote again. Really? Nobody checks ID or whether you've already voted, they just look at the way you're dressed and decide you can vote?

He has absolutely NO idea about how voting works, and can't understand that in some states you don't get the final results the same night after voting - it could take weeks, and has in the past. He's demanding that the count be stopped in Florida, even though military ballots aren't due there until 11/16 - that disenfranchises the military that he claims to love.

ALL BALLOTS HAVE TO BE COUNTED - in this country, you don't get to decide an election just because your favorite candidate is ahead before the ballot count is completed.

This is what happens when "our duly elected President" has no clue about how the government he's in charge of works.

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Messages in this Thread
 CNN lawsuit - MikeC/TX on 11/13/18 4:56pm
 Re: CNN lawsuit - bagger on 11/14/18 9:19am
 Re: CNN lawsuit - Yoli/CA on 11/14/18 9:52am
 Re: CNN lawsuit - bagger on 11/14/18 12:12pm
 Re: CNN lawsuit - MikeC/TX on 11/14/18 6:53pm
 :-) n/m - Moneyman/TX on 11/16/18 5:39am
 Re: CNN lawsuit - MikeC/TX on 11/14/18 6:40pm
 Re: CNN lawsuit - bagger on 11/15/18 8:37am
 Re: CNN lawsuit - Yoli/CA on 11/15/18 10:18am
 Re: CNN lawsuit - bagger on 11/15/18 10:31am
 Re: CNN lawsuit - MikeC/TX on 11/16/18 6:21pm
 Re: CNN lawsuit - Moneyman/TX on 11/16/18 5:52am
 Re: CNN lawsuit - MikeC/TX on 11/16/18 6:34pm
 Re: CNN lawsuit -  canotaryhere on 11/20/18 10:05am
 Re: CNN lawsuit - bagger on 11/21/18 2:05pm
 Re: CNN lawsuit -  janCA on 11/25/18 11:56am
 Deflection - bagger on 11/26/18 8:05am
 Re: Deflection -  janCA on 11/26/18 2:53pm
 Re: Deflection - bagger on 11/27/18 5:03am
 Re: Deflection -  janCA on 11/27/18 12:13pm
 Re: Deflection - MikeC/TX on 11/27/18 6:05pm
 Re: Deflection - bagger on 11/28/18 10:42am
 Re: Deflection - MikeC/TX on 11/29/18 6:40pm
 IMO, Hanity is also a blowhard with an agenda, just sayin' - Moneyman/TX on 12/20/18 4:12am
 True, but he's a blowhard with a large following n/m - MikeC/TX on 12/21/18 5:12pm

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