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Re: Hi, Folks!
Posted by  PAW Notary Services of FL on 12/18/04 7:31am Msg #13998
Ah, but the question was "Who is Faustus?"

Legend has it that Faustus was a German alchemist who sold his soul to Mephistopheles in exchange for knowledge. Thus the word 'faustian'.

After looking at all those words, it appears the Hugh has tried to exchange his soul for power and knowledge, but only ended up as a second rate spear chucker from down under.
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Messages in this Thread
 Hi, Folks! -  HisHughness on 12/17/04 10:58pm
 Re: Hi, Folks! - colorless/AZ on 12/17/04 11:14pm
 Re: Hi, Folks! -  BrendaTX on 12/17/04 11:17pm
 Re: Hi, Folks! - colorless/AZ on 12/17/04 11:22pm
 Re: Hi, Folks! -  HisHughness on 12/17/04 11:25pm
 Re: Hi, Folks! - Elizabeth Atwood on 12/18/04 12:34am
 Re: Hi, Folks! -  CarolynCO on 12/18/04 10:24am
 Re: Hi, Folks! o/t -  BrendaTX on 12/17/04 11:33pm
 Re: Hi, Folks! o/t - Maureen/nh on 12/18/04 11:14pm
 Re: Hi, Folks! o/t -  BrendaTX on 12/18/04 11:48pm
 Re: Hi, Folks! - Charlotte Tx on 12/17/04 11:36pm
 Greetings From "Android" - ZARA L319 on 12/17/04 11:55pm
 Re: Hi, Folks! - colorless/AZ on 12/17/04 11:47pm
 Re: Hi, Folks! - CharlotteTX on 12/18/04 12:08am
 Re: Hi, Folks! - colorless/AZ on 12/18/04 12:23am
 Re: Hi, Folks! (Notary Dog Training) -  BrendaTX on 12/18/04 1:13pm
 Re: Hi, Folks! (Notary Dog Training) -  colorless_AZ on 12/18/04 2:06pm
 Re: Hi, Folks! (Notary Dog Training) -  BrendaTX on 12/18/04 2:13pm
 Re: Hi, Folks! (Notary Dog Training) - colorless/AZ on 12/18/04 2:17pm
 Re: Hi, Folks! (Notary Dog Training) - Jon on 12/18/04 9:49pm
 Re: Hi, Folks! (Notary Dog Training) - colorless/AZ on 12/18/04 10:15pm
 Re: Hi, Folks! (Notary Dog Training) -  BrendaTX on 12/18/04 11:08pm
 Sounds like dating a man to me - LauraV on 12/19/04 11:12am
 Laura...You are SOOOO bad LOL n/m -  BrendaTX on 12/19/04 11:22am
 I may not be an Aggie, but I DO have attitude! n/m - LauraV on 12/19/04 11:30am
 Re: Sounds like dating a man to me -  HisHughness on 12/19/04 2:45pm
 To Hugh - LauraV on 12/19/04 3:16pm
 Re: Hi, Folks! -  PAW Notary Services on 12/18/04 7:31am
 Now That's Funny! - Fay, CA on 12/18/04 1:01pm
 Re: Hi, Folks! - Charlotte TX on 12/18/04 8:12am

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