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Why is it that some non-local TCs have so many
Posted by Alz of CA on 5/25/16 3:32pm Msg #552872
title documents that have to be notarized? Seriously, I honestly do not get it.

Can someone please answer this question? No rush, as I think many of you are probably really busy today conducting signings, since it is EOM.
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Messages in this Thread
 Why is it that some non-local TCs have so many - Alz on 5/25/16 3:32pm
 Re: Why is it that some non-local TCs have so many -  Cari on 5/25/16 3:50pm
 Re: Why is it that some non-local TCs have so many - Robert Kihm on 5/25/16 4:27pm
 Re: Why is it that some non-local TCs have so many -  Cari on 5/26/16 8:28am

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