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E-closing this week on a HELOC
Posted by  Cheryl Elliott of CA on 1/27/18 7:55am Msg #589067
My esteemed pleasure to help this firefighter/public defender couple with their loan signing. We scrolled through the document on his laptop, and we signed the 26-page stack of hard copies. The RTC was the only document not online. Certain documents like the note, DOT, RTC, E&O, Name/Sig Affidavit and CD wet signed.

It was a credit union loan. Eazy peazy. Hope I get more of these. A breeze, and I LOVE FIREFIGHTERS more than ever!
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Messages in this Thread
 E-closing this week on a HELOC -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/27/18 7:55am
 How nice to help a first responder. Can you share -  MW/VA on 1/27/18 7:18pm
 Re: How nice to help a first responder. Can you share -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/28/18 8:24am
 Re: E-closing this week on a HELOC - Linda Bissonnette on 1/27/18 8:40pm

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