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Re: Gov Newsom couldn
Posted by  Mike Goodey of CA on 10/15/23 8:44pm Msg #83100
I guess you missed the "We are our own country" speech and Newsom is the ayatollah.
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Messages in this Thread
 Gov Newsom couldn't find a single qualified resident in CA? - Moneyman/TX on 10/15/23 6:09pm
 Re: Gov Newsom couldn -  Mike Goodey on 10/15/23 8:44pm
 Found this interesting article on appointed senator from CA -  Yoli/CA on 10/16/23 1:58pm
 Guess you didn't read OP or click the link -- SAME ARTICLE - Moneyman/TX on 10/24/23 1:45am
 Re: Guess you didn -  Yoli/CA on 11/5/23 11:48am
 LOL & they wonder why so many are leaving CA n/m - Moneyman/TX on 10/24/23 1:55am
 Re: Gov Newsom couldn -  JanetK_CA on 10/16/23 6:42pm
 She posted the same article I did in the OP - Moneyman/TX on 10/24/23 1:52am
 tinyurl are a security risk. use the source for more clicks n/m - sigtogo/OR on 10/24/23 2:19pm
 I haven't heard of any issues in the past when used in JP - Moneyman/TX on 11/3/23 6:12pm

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