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Don't rethink, Pam...there's still a lot of good
Posted by Linda_H/FL of FL on 6/26/18 10:44am Msg #595212
brain power here and a lot of combined years of field experience with info to be had and shared.

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Messages in this Thread
 Check Your Ranking on -  CCS/VA on 6/25/18 1:14pm
 I'm sorry it took you this long to figure that out about -  MW/VA on 6/25/18 1:37pm
 Msg 150144 stated the facts thoroughly. - Jack/AL on 6/25/18 2:43pm
 Re: Check Your Ranking on - SteveS/CA on 6/25/18 3:00pm
 Re: Check Your Ranking on -  Ilene C. Seidel on 6/26/18 6:18am
 Newbs 1st, then Experience. Always randomized - Lee/AR on 6/25/18 4:06pm
 Way down on the list ... - Yoli/CA on 6/25/18 4:27pm
 Re: Checked.... -  Pamela/CA on 6/26/18 10:09am
 Don't rethink, Pam...there's still a lot of good - Linda_H/FL on 6/26/18 10:44am
 Re: Dont... Thanks Linda... -  Pamela/CA on 6/26/18 11:11am
 Re: Dont... Thanks Linda... - SteveS/CA on 6/26/18 2:47pm
 Re: Dont... Thanks Linda... - Luckydog on 6/26/18 3:44pm
 Just want to say SC is OK with me the way it is - Lee/AR on 6/26/18 3:31pm

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