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Re: Enough already!
Posted by CaliNotary of CA on 2/13/05 10:32pm Msg #20545
Well, if your ONE question wasn't "how do I perform THE most common and basic notary task on the signing I've already lined up?" I probably wouldn't have taken issue with your posting. And if you weren't so flippant in your subsequent responses I probably wouldn't even be posting this.

You can be as annoyed or offended as you want with me, I could really care less. But I am also offended by you. I'm offended that you have so little regard for this career field that you couldn't even be bothered to learn how to do the job before getting your first assignment. I'm in California, I know how long it takes to get commissioned here. You had plenty of time to learn this stuff, yet you didn't.

And please spare me the rewritten history because your intial post CLEARLY showed that you had NO idea how to do a simple notarization in Callifornia. Which makes you INCOMPETENT to perform this job. At least at this moment in time.

Now if you think that's mean, it's not, it's just truthful. We're all incompetent at many things lin life because we simply haven't learned how to do them. The difference is, most of our incompetencies do not affect the finances of innocent third parties. This one does, and I find it disgusting that you, and so many others like you, seem to think it's your god given right to learn all of this stuff at the possible expense of others. As if posting a message in here stating "I'm a newbie" somehow absolves you of the responsibility of being competent before you start putting people's loans at risk.

And it just amazes me that this would be crystal clear in almost any other industry, yet in here it's always taken so personally. If you were reading an OB/GYN board and saw a posting like:

Hi guys! I'm a newly licensed OB/GYN. I have my first c-section scheduled tomorrow and I'm so excited! Can anyone tell me where exactly I'm supposed to cut? I'm pretty sure I know, but I just want to make sure. Thanks, and wish me luck!

You'd be horrified, and rightly so. But for some reason you think it's perfectly fine to not have bothered to learn to complete a simple acknowledgement correctly, and that it's mean if I point this out to you. Well I think your attitude is extremely self absorbed. People's home loans shouldn't be at risk just because you want to learn the basics of this job while on the job.

So fine, think I'm a jerk, think I'm mean, I don't care. I'm just hoping that some other new notaries will see this post, and the others like it, and will realize the importance of knowing this type of stuff before they go out on their first loan signing.
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Messages in this Thread
 what to put here? - Cyndra_CA on 2/12/05 4:01pm
 yes, "they"... or in the case of individuals... he/she (nm) - Ninna Mantooth-Lopez on 2/12/05 4:12pm
 Re: what to put here? - susan/oh on 2/12/05 4:12pm
 Re: what to put here? - Cyndra_CA on 2/12/05 4:38pm
 Re: what to put here? - CaliNotary on 2/12/05 9:17pm
 Re: what to put here? - CaliNotary on 2/12/05 9:19pm
 Re: what to put here? - Cyndra_CA on 2/13/05 1:22pm
 Re: what to put here? - CaliNotary on 2/13/05 1:57pm
 Thanks again! - Cyndra_CA on 2/13/05 3:40pm
 Oh, and don't worry... - Cynthia Seipel on 2/13/05 4:12pm
 Re: Oh, and don't worry... - CaliNotary on 2/13/05 6:57pm
 Enough already! - Cyndra_CA on 2/13/05 8:43pm
 Re: Enough already! - CaliNotary on 2/13/05 10:32pm
 Re: Enough already! - Cynthia Seipel on 2/13/05 10:46pm
 Re: Enough already! - Cynthia Seipel on 2/13/05 10:46pm
 Re: Enough already! -  HisHughness on 2/13/05 11:03pm
 Re: Enough already! - CaliNotary on 2/14/05 2:10pm
 Re: Enough already! -  HisHughness on 2/14/05 7:37pm
 Re: Enough already! - CaliNotary on 2/14/05 8:41pm
 Ok...can't resist... - Kat/CA on 2/15/05 3:13pm
 Re: Ok...can't resist... -  HisHughness on 2/15/05 4:34pm
 Re: Ok...can't resist... - Kat/CA on 2/15/05 7:38pm
 Re: Ok...can't resist... -  BrendaTX on 2/15/05 8:22pm
 Re: Ok...can't resist... - CaliNotary on 2/16/05 11:59am
 Re: Ok...can't resist... - CaliNotary on 2/16/05 11:54am

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