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Emobilenotary..they really don't understand what the SA is?
Posted by  Nicole_NCali of CA on 2/16/05 12:07pm Msg #20799
I got a call from emobilenotary yesterday, I accepted the assignment, but ran to my computer to check on their reputation. After that, I called them back promptly w/in 5minutes to turn down an overnight assigment. I advised them that they have a horrrible reputation with about 90% of the notaries on the boards and that the 10% who have good experiences is not a good equation for me to accept an assignment.

This person then tells me ok and calls back to say that the docs were picked up by Fedex 10 minutes ago. I advised her that she can call fedex to get the docs rerouted or returned to her business by calling the 800 number. Mind you, this whole transaction was within a 20 minute time frame, from 1st call, to declining the assigment, to fedex.

I firmly tell her that this is not my problem and that she needs to get the package back and find another notary. I also kind of berate her because, I inform her of the companies that I do work for who pay promptly whether the loan funds or not and that a notary has no vested interest in the outcome of the loan (it is against the law) and should be compensated accordingly. She begins to ramble on about paying promptly if the loan file closes ok and that if the escrow company doesn't pay them, they begin collection activity. I find this to be a load of crock, because I collect for a municipality for individual departments, and no matter what, the employees are paid (I know, not a good comparison) She says that she can't control the opinion on the boards and hangs up after saying she will find someone else.

This person calls back and says that she has another notary in the area who will accept the assignment, I say ok, she then gives me a directions to their house like I am going to deliver the packet. I then tell her she will either have the package redirected by fedex or get this person to pick this up. I am not a free courier service.

I know that I should keep the lousy companies in my PDA for quick reference, but I don't have time to get stuck in another : you get paid when we get paid scenario.

PS..for all of the lousy companies who have been calling, I have informed them that their business practices suck and they should be ashamed of themselves. This one just slipped by me.
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Messages in this Thread
 Emobilenotary..they really don't understand what the SA is? -  Nicole_NCali on 2/16/05 12:07pm
 Bravo! - CaliNotary on 2/16/05 12:16pm
 Re: Bravo! -  Nicole_NCali on 2/16/05 12:30pm
 Re: Bravo! - Korey Humphreys on 2/16/05 12:35pm
 Re: Bravo! - Ty_MN on 2/16/05 12:43pm
 Re: Bravo! - Ted_MI on 2/16/05 2:29pm
 Re: Bravo! - Korey Humphreys on 2/16/05 5:35pm
 Re: Bravo! - Califnotary on 2/16/05 5:03pm
 Re: Emobilenotary..they really don't understand what the SA is? -  CarolynCO on 2/16/05 5:08pm
 Re: I don't accept business from unethical entities -  Nicole_NCali on 2/16/05 6:02pm
 Re: I don't accept business from unethical entities -  CarolynCO on 2/16/05 6:52pm
 Re: I don't accept business from unethical entities -  Nicole_NCali on 2/16/05 6:57pm
 Re: A span 20 mintutes or TWO HOURS? - Notary/WA on 2/17/05 3:33pm
 Re: A span 20 mintutes or TWO HOURS? - Nicole_NCali on 2/17/05 4:34pm
 Emobilenotary... -  BrendaTX on 2/17/05 5:39pm
 Re: Emobilenotary... - Nicole_NCali on 2/17/05 6:49pm
 Re: Emobilenotary... -  BrendaTX on 2/17/05 7:20pm
 Re: A response.... - Lorraine-eMobile Notary on 2/18/05 10:27am
 Re: A response....and your point is - Nicole_NCali on 2/18/05 11:33am
 Re: MY POINT IS.... - Lorraine-eMobile Notary on 2/18/05 1:51pm
 Re: MY POINT IS.... - sue on 2/20/05 10:33am
 Re: MY POINT IS.... -  HisHughness on 2/20/05 12:56pm
 Re: MY POINT IS.... - Colleen Martin on 7/21/09 9:59am

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