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Re: The world is a better place regardless who took him out
Posted by MikeC/TX of TX on 1/13/20 3:56pm Msg #73092
I'm not arguing that we're not not better off without him, just that this wasn't the proper way to get it done. The whole "imminent threat" story was bogus - today we learned that the decisin was made seven months ago to add him as a reprisal option if anything he did resulted in American deaths. It was apparently one of several options presented to Trump as a reprisal for that Dec 27 attack, but Congress was never notified and never gave authorization for it.

When Obama gave the order to take out Bin Laden, Congress had already given authorization to take out al Qaeda's leadership when Bush was Presiden, so there was no reason to get approval from Congress. Not only did Trump go around Congress, he and his people tried to lie about the reason for doing it, and usual, they lied badly. That's my only problem with it - the way it was done. Killing someone in another country - and not even his own country - is an act of war, and is something for Congress to decide.
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Messages in this Thread
 Trump's Iran explanation has fallen apart - MikeC/TX on 1/12/20 7:09pm
 The world is a better place regardless who took him out - Luckydog on 1/13/20 9:16am
 Re: The world is a better place regardless who took him out - bagger on 1/13/20 11:07am
 100% agree bagger! n/m - Luckydog on 1/13/20 12:24pm
 You are precisely right. n/m - NK_UT on 1/15/20 9:28pm
 Re: The world is a better place regardless who took him out - MikeC/TX on 1/13/20 3:56pm
 Re: The world is a better place regardless who took him out - bagger on 1/18/20 9:44am
 Re: The world is a better place regardless who took him out - MikeC/TX on 1/18/20 6:13pm
 Re: The world is a better place regardless who took him out - HisHughness on 1/14/20 4:59pm

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