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Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs
Posted by MikeC/TX of TX on 7/26/20 4:58pm Msg #75687
No one is burning that building down - it's concrete and marble, built like a fortress. And if the "feds" were so concerned, why did they abandon it last night and leave it completely defenseless while they roamed the streets looking for protesters to arrest? Their place is on federal property, not on city streets. That's what's exacerbating the unrest - they are way outside the boundaries of their authority (if they have any authority at all, something we still don't know).

As far as shooting her in the head with a rubber bullet - why do that? Why aim for a headshot when your job is crowd control? Why risk causing a fatal injury when your job is simply crowd control? A shot to the body is just as effective and less potentially lethal - but these goons are not trained in crowd control, they only know one thing - violence.

There is a video from last night of a 70-year old Vietnam vet, working as a photographer, yelling at a line of goons. He wasn't threatening them, he wasn't armed, he was just yelling at them. Without warning, one of them walked up to him and sprayed him right in the face with pepper spray. This is why peaceful protests turn violent: untrained personnel who have no apparent supervision and don't know what they're doing attack the protesters for no reason, and the protesters fight back.

And that thing about the violent protesters coming out at night os a myth being sold to you by the Administration. Most of the protesters, even at night, are peaceful. To say that she shouldn't have been there is ridiculous - she had every right to be there. This is America, not some third-world tin-pot dictatorship (yet). What is your solution - rip up the First Amendment and eliminate the right of citizens and the press to criticize the government? Only allow good things to be said about the President? Arrest anyone who disagrees with government? That's the direction your line of thinking is headed, whether you realize it or not.
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Messages in this Thread
 History Prof shot by Fed thugs -  sigtogo/OR on 7/25/20 7:14pm
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs - Luckydog on 7/25/20 7:53pm
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs - CH2inCA on 7/25/20 10:31pm
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs - Luckydog on 7/26/20 10:55am
 LD -  sigtogo/OR on 7/26/20 8:04pm
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs -  JanetK_CA on 7/26/20 1:00am
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs - bagger on 7/26/20 8:53am
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs - Luckydog on 7/26/20 10:58am
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs - MikeC/TX on 7/26/20 4:58pm
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs - Luckydog on 7/26/20 5:27pm
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs - MikeC/TX on 7/26/20 6:53pm
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs - shooterclay on 7/26/20 10:06pm
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs - bagger on 7/27/20 8:30am
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs - MikeC/TX on 7/27/20 5:18pm
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs - bagger on 7/29/20 7:13am
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs - MikeC/TX on 7/29/20 3:26pm
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs - bagger on 7/27/20 8:41am
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs - MikeC/TX on 7/27/20 5:14pm
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs - bagger on 7/27/20 5:49pm
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs - bagger on 7/27/20 5:50pm
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs - MikeC/TX on 7/28/20 3:45pm
 Re: History Prof shot by Fed thugs - MikeC/TX on 7/28/20 3:43pm

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