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NRA Forgets to rise up again Tyranical Government
Posted by  sigtogo/OR of OR on 6/8/20 2:01pm Msg #74804
A sheepish NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre said.
“Our whole reason for lobbying for looser gun laws and amassing huge personal arsenals of weapons these past years was so that we could ensure the security of a free state and protect the people from an oppressive government. And then it actually happened, and the whole rising up against a tyrannical government thing just totally slipped our minds, which is a little embarrassing,”
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Messages in this Thread
 NRA Forgets to rise up again Tyranical Government -  sigtogo/OR on 6/8/20 2:01pm
 Re: NRA Forgets to rise up again Tyranical Government - shooterclay on 6/8/20 11:34pm

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