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Re: #9 example
Posted by Moneyman/TX of TX on 3/30/24 10:09am Msg #83217
I personally believe it is akin to pi$$ing off the people making your food before you receive your food order for someone to attack the judge(s) in their upcoming trial(s). Even with the history of the obviously crooked judge, crooked DA's, and AG that Trump has recently had in NY, imo, it is always dangerous (to one's own case) to try to attack (verbally) the judge and prosecutors prior to a trial. That said, he has a history of doing just that.

I can only assume that he believes that by publicly doing so, it may cause the judge and prosecution to be more aware of how their actions during the trial will be scrutinized by the public and/or the appeals courts, if necessary. Even if this is his reasoning, I still believe it is a risky move on his part.

It does force those "news" media outlets that are obviously little more than Democratic Party propaganda outlets to talk about him every day and give him air time when they would rather be pushing whatever the latest party, or White House, talking points instruct them to be talking about. LOL
Love him or hate him, you have to admit, he knows how to get free political air time, especially through the outlets that are 100% against him.

I don't know of anyone who has claimed that Trump ever read, or properly mastered the techniques in, Dale Carnegie's "How to win friends and influence people", so I guess he could use that as a defense for doing it? <ROTFLMAO>
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Messages in this Thread
 #9 example - sigtogo/OR on 3/27/24 11:29pm
 Re: #9 example - SC/CA on 3/29/24 3:02pm
 Re: #9 example - Moneyman/TX on 3/30/24 10:09am
 Re: #9 example - SC/CA on 3/30/24 5:30pm
 I have not been able to find where Trump threatened judge - Moneyman/TX on 4/16/24 5:32pm
 "It's very disconcerting...comments in form of threats." - SC/CA on 4/17/24 10:55am
 It's very disconcerting..comments in form of threats." - SC/CA on 4/17/24 11:04am
 "It's very disconcerting..comments in form of threats." - SC/CA on 4/17/24 11:28am

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