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Msg #648927

2 replies
Introducing Motor-E Notary
By Motor-E Notary - Motor-E Notary on 7/26/24 3:39pm

🔹 Introducing Christina L. Washington, the dedicated professional behind Motor-E Notary. Founded on May 23, 2024, Motor-E Notary brings top-notch mobile notary and signing agent services to your doorstep. As an NNA certified Signing Agent since January 25, 2024, Christina L. Washington ensures every document is processed with precision and confidentiality.
"I’m committed to making notarization convenient and reliable for everyone. Whether it’s real estate, legal, or business documents, I’m here to provide expert assistance tailored to your needs."
Discover our services:
Real Estate Document Signings
Legal Document Notarizations
Business Document Services
General Notary Services
Connect with us today and let’s make every signing experience a positive one!
📞 281-790-3677 ✉️ 🌐

hashtag#MotorENotary hashtag#NotaryPublic hashtag#SigningAgent hashtag#MobileNotary hashtag#ProfessionalServices hashtag#MeetOurFounder

Msg #648923

2 replies
Deadly quiet. Any one else?
By  Cheryl Elliott on 7/25/24 11:42pm

So of course I have plenty to do around here if it just weren't so darned hot. 95+ all week but cooler this weekend. Is everyone on vacation? Should be an interesting year, all right!

Msg #648900

4 replies
Sale Signings LLC
By SueP/NH on 7/22/24 7:08pm

I haven't seen any recent postings about this company - seems there were discussions back 5 plus years ago. Anyone here worked with this company in 2024? They aren't listed in Signing Central, can't really find much about them. They have a closing right in my town, but don't want to get burned on payment or have to chase them down. Thanks!

Msg #648891

5 replies
Signing Agent Necessity
By ODNotary/NC on 7/20/24 11:09am


I'm a new Notary Public (and now E-Notary Public). I was wondering the necessity of taking Signing Agent courses and being certified as a Notary Signing Agent if the only legal act we can do as Notaries Public is to verify the identity of the signer. I have a family member who is a Real Estate Attorney, and she said those courses and designations aren't really necessary.

Anyone have any insight from a Signing Agent perspective?

Msg #648886

7 replies
New Computer Time - I've got questions
By RickG/CA on 7/19/24 6:49pm

My computer is about 5 y/o, and it's time to think about replacing *before* the need forces itself on me. I'm thinking about the newer iPad Pro but I have concerns about using this for the work that we do. I try not to print often, but when I do, its upwards of 300+ pages total. I've occasionally printed seller's packages from my phone so I don't see the iPad pro as something that should have a problem, however I'm looking for real world experiences. Genius Bar/Best Buy/Tech forums have all given the unhelpful suggestion of not printing so much and saving to .pdf instead. Well yeah, if it were only that easy. What says the gallery?

Msg #648883

2 replies
Simple Notary signing service
By Rod Cameron on 7/19/24 2:48pm

Hi guys!

I searched in the Forum for "Simple Notary" and did not find any comments or posts. Has anyone worked with them? Do they pay on time?


Msg #648876

5 replies
NNA Signing Agent Exam
By famena on 7/18/24 4:52pm

I’m in the process of starting my annual Signing Agent exam.. Is there a way to skip the Challenges 1 to 5?

Msg #648868

5 replies
365 "cancelling" appointments after they've occured
By Kellosh/CA on 7/17/24 3:20pm

I've had it happen twice this month now: A few days or a week after a signign, I get an automated message in the app (and via email) that informs me a signing I've already conducted has been cancelled. That means I don't get paid. Of course, once cancelled, you can't see the appointment in the app to message back on, and the email you receive is from a do-not-reply address. Anyone have any idea how I'd reach out to insist they still owe me money if I completed the signing?

Msg #648863

2 replies
Who is
By JanetK_CA on 7/16/24 6:29pm

Anyone heard of them? I couldn't find anything in SC that would appear to be a match.

I just got a very short email from "reagan" @ that domain, saying only "Please sign the following documents for the your [sic] yearly documents for Fidelity National Title." It included an attachment, which I didn't open, and signature lines that were blocked by Outlook and whatever security programs I have running. I chose to not download more info.

What may (or may not) be notable is that I just finished updating all my credentials a few weeks ago, so there's a chance this is legit. I'd think that most signing services (especially any that do work for FNT companies) know to check NNA's site for certification and BGC status. So this could be a request from a company I haven't worked for in ages or some kind of scam.

Possibly just one more thing for us to watch out for?

Msg #648860

3 replies
Pondering the thoughtlessness or insanity...
By Lee/AR on 7/16/24 1:57pm

when scheduling for low population/volume small town & rural areas. There are 9 notaries within 10 miles of the signing location. So WHY do they even bother offering it to me---who is 116 miles, 2 1/2 hours away? At a fee that would barely pay for the gas? When they were calling us, they had to THINK. Now they just brainlessly 'click'.

Msg #648855

2 replies
Forensic fingerprint expert
By FP_CA on 7/15/24 6:28pm

Hi, All:
Have you ever received a request from a lawyer's office to see a forensic fingerprint expert to review, compare and make the necessary photocopies of the fingerprint from a signing in my journal? Do you know the process? Attorney is offer me to pay me the travel fee...should I charge? If so, how much I should charge? Thank you in advance.

Msg #648854

6 replies
yada, yada, blah, blah
By  Cheryl Elliott on 7/15/24 5:12pm

My credentials are attached hereto.

Unfortunately, I have been unable to accept the low fees that your company has fallen to, as it doesn't make sense for me to expend all my energy, skills and materials, plus rising automobile expenses, to work for such low fees.

If MC's fees rise above their current levels, I will be happy to accept work from your company.

Msg #648842

6 replies
Superior Signing Alert (ID company)
By Jeanine Rains on 7/14/24 11:19am

Please beware of this signing service. Superior Signing Service based out of Idaho. They asked me to complete a closing for them on May 22, 2024 and I have yet to receive my payment.

I have sent 2 invoices and exchanged emails which they are replying to, but still no payment.

Msg #648836

1 replies
Some cell phone security tip reminders
By JanetK_CA on 7/13/24 4:27pm

I just came across this page that I'd saved for future reading and thought it might make a good refresher on cell phone security:

I wouldn't consider this the ultimate source on this issue, but it does offer some food for thought. One other thing that made me think about posting it here is that there were several mentions about extra care with things stored in 'the cloud'.

That immediately brought to mind RON and saving videos of notarizations (and I wonder what else) in 'the cloud'. Does anyone know if data is stored about each transaction or is it just video? If so, does that vary from platform to platform and state to state? For example, do they store any ID info, document details (at least some would likely be required for journal entries in some states), or document content? I don't recall ever seeing these issues addressed.

I'm just trying to wrap my head around what individual records of each notarization would look like, including journal entries, and how that works - just for my own understanding, since it won't be legal here for a long time.

I'm also thankful today that I don't use AT&T as my cell phone provider after them just releasing info yesterday about a major cell account data hack that apparently occurred back in April. I do use them for my internet access, though, which could also be a concern. (I believe I received something months ago from them offering ID protection service, but what I heard wasn't nearly as bad as what news reports yesterday said about cell phone accounts.)

Msg #648831

1 replies
Successful Signings/Chenelle Hernandez
By Bravo on 7/12/24 5:36pm

Anyone worked for them? Outcome?

Msg #648829

10 replies
Sovereign Citizen notarization requests on the rise...again!
By Matt Miller on 7/12/24 2:37pm

We have received numerous reports from notaries across the country that have recently received a request from a "sovereign citizen" to notarize illegitimate docs. I'm posting the link to an article we published today for notaries who need to read it and get informed. The original post can be found here:

Msg #648822

3 replies
Ways to make certified copies
By VT_Syrup on 7/9/24 9:05am

In Msg #648803 Bella Tarubarova asked about whether the notary has to make the copy, or if the requester can make the copy and the notary can compare the copy to the original before certifying it. I'd like to discuss a broader question; what are some lawful ways to perform the copying operation before the notary certifies it, that haven't been mentioned in this forum.

It varies from state to state; I'd like to discuss RULONA states like VT, since those rules are less restrictive than in some states. The Vermont law is at

The basic authority is given at § 5304 (10)

'"Notarial act" means an act, whether performed with respect to a tangible or an electronic record, that a notary public may perform under the law of this State. The term includes...certifying or attesting a copy...."

Later there is § 5362 (c) "A notary public may certify that a tangible copy of an electronic record is an accurate copy of the electronic record. "

And then the part that describes how the copy is to be made: § 5363 (e) "Copies. A notary public who certifies or attests a copy of a record or an item that was copied shall determine that the copy is a full, true, and accurate transcription or reproduction of the record or item."

When thinking about how copies are to be made, I think we should remember notaries in some states have been allowed to make certified copies for many decades, if not centuries. It is only since the 1970s that photocopiers have been available in most large businesses, and in small businesses only since the 1990s or so. So in the past notaries used to make copies by hand writing them, or typing them. When I took typing in the 1970s in high school, using carbon paper to make copies was part of the lessons. So I take it that unless a law has words like "photocopy", typing or handwriting a copy is still allowed.

Also allowed is moving back and forth between electronic and paper copies. Client want's a certified copy of a text message displayed on a cell phone screen? Why not? Once my state authorizes electronic notarization, client wants a certified copy of a paper notarized document because the recipient only accepts uploads, not paper mail? Sure.

Also, I see nothing in RULONA that says who makes the copy, just that the notary has to insure the accuracy and completeness of the document.

The biggest problem I see is making sure a paper copy of a PDF is a "is a full, true, and accurate transcription or reproduction". PDFs contain lots of metadata that doesn't show up on paper if you click the print button. For example, a field for the author and another for keywords. What if the keywords are "SPECIMEN VOID"? I have never seen any state notary manual give any guidelines for making a paper copy of an electronic document, even though many states authorize it.

Msg #648819

3 replies
Unethical Notaries
By  rengel/CA on 7/9/24 2:24am

Talking with a client today who was telling me that she printed out a POA to have her father sign, with her as his agent. They took it to a store that ships packages and they not only told her she had to have her signature notarized also (accepting the appointment as agent, which does not need to be notarized) but they charged her $60!!! $30 per signature!!!!!!!!!

This just really makes me angry tat these places are ripping people off. She wouldn't tell me which store it was, or I'd file a complaint with the SOS.

Msg #648809

3 replies
Thousands of ARMS about to reset - raising mortgage payments
By  Yoli/CA on 7/8/24 8:21am

As NSAs, we may be seeing a surge in refinance packages.

Msg #648803

18 replies
Texas AAN conflicts with state law re: certifying documents
By Bella Tarubarova on 7/7/24 4:19pm

I'm a new Texas notary. I joined through the AAN website and ALL of their material, training, exams, etc. says that when certifying a copy, the notary must personally make the copy.
In addition, all of their Trodat stamps and printed certifications use the language "made by me" in reference to the copy. This is NOT correct. There is NO requirement in Texas law that the notary must make the copy. If a client brings you the copy with the original, you can closely examine them and then certify it.
AAN's support and administration all said the notary must make the copy, but this is NOT true! If so, that means if somebody brings me a copy (with the original, of course) to certify, I'll have to refuse, because I didn't make the copy. If I do certify it, I can't use that "made by me" certification language on the Trodat stamp or letter, because it would be false. I don't know who else to go to with this. Can anyone help?
Many thanks.

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