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Msg #632865

2 replies
This book review was interesting in terms of how it applies
By SC/CA on 6/18/21 6:22pm

to notary work, self-employment in general, and relationships as a whole.

What attitudes we bring to the table, and how we interact with one-another, has alot to do with our own success, and how run our business.

How our attitudes shape our experiences can be applied to how we focus and utilize our skills in any given area.

“In Adam Grant’s best-selling book,“Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success,”organizational psychologist and Wharton professor lays-out three key reciprocation styles found in the workplace:
1. Takers see the world as a hypercompetitive rat race. Since they assume that no one else will look out for them, they place their own interests first and last. They may choose to help others strategically, but only when the benefit seems to exceed the cost.
2. Matchers operate tit for tat. When people do them a favor, they repay in a capacity that is no more, no less. And when they help someone, they expect the same in return.
3. Givers focus on others more than on themselves. They pay close attention to what people need from them, whether it’s time or ideas or mentorship. A rarity in the workplace, according to Grant, their style is more typical of the way we treat family and friends.

...In any given field, you’ll find givers near the top of their career ladder. As they pay it forward, according to a number of studies, givers make for more efficient engineers or higher-grossing salespeople than takers or matchers.

All of this tells us that to be a successful giver, you must be a good negotiator. The most one-dimensional price haggle requires the gift of your time and energy to make it through the process. Conversely, indiscriminate handouts can be detrimental, even between strategic partners….”

Msg #632851

19 replies
How do you guys get those signings that pay $150-200
By Jazmyn Sampson on 6/18/21 1:42pm

I saw a Notary 2 Notary on YT and she was saying that a lot of signings are paying $150-250. And i have YET to see any of those!

Msg #632838

10 replies
Working all sides (conflict of interest)
By NVLSlady/VA on 6/17/21 9:23pm

I know many work different sides of the industry. Here's a true tale of woe:
Buyer cannot get anyone to appraise the house she wishes to purchase - and nearly a month later no scheduled settlement, while seller is in a contract contingency for her new house with no closing date in sight.

When lender bids are placed, there are apparently "conflicts of interest" resulting in the appraiser having to re-instate the order. Basically, the appraisal companies are owned by a real estate broker - first on the seller side, then the buyer's. Therefore, twice the order has gone out and lender has no idea how to prevent and get the people to close. Like 'Groundhog Day.' There are appraisals coming in up to five days late and shortages all over as people are trying to take long-needed vacays after last year's traumas. Don't honestly know how anything is getting done these days!

So, for those with multiple licenses or affiliations, how do you make this work? While it can make business sense to work on opposite sides of the fence during slow times, it seems that it is coming back to bite the buyers & sellers big time! Compliance is good until it ain't. Are folks out there signing waivers to get things going in a spicy hot market?

How about R.E. investors? If the people they know are all agents, lenders & inspectors with multiple affiliations, how do they get their deals to close with so-called "neutral third parties"?

Msg #632826

21 replies
Junteenth 2021 not a rescission day, for now?
By Bear900/CA on 6/17/21 6:11pm

From one of my mortgage software providers -

"The President has signed a bill today making June 19th a federal holiday, officially named “Juneteenth National Independence Day, June 19." Since the holiday falls on a Saturday, federal workers will celebrate this day on Friday, June 18th, 2021.

As a result, this Saturday cannot be counted as a rescission day. We have updated our database to account for this new holiday which requires all users to run a Full Synchronization"

Another source, unless things change -

"As a result, without further action, under the specific definition of “business day” in amended 5 U.S.C. 6103(a), Saturday June 19 is not a business day. Although the federal government will be closed on Friday June 18 in observance of the new legal public holiday, under the specific definition of “business day” in amended 5 U.S.C. 6103(a), June 18 is a business day."

Msg #632817

7 replies
What is the most number of notarized title docs
By  Cheryl Elliott on 6/17/21 2:20pm

You have seen in a refi package?

I had one today with 12. Then of course, there six in the actual loan package. That makes a total of 36 notarized signatures.

Msg #632807

2 replies
Eagle BPO Services
By Marie DESNEED TRANS SERVICE LLC on 6/17/21 11:15am

Received an Work Order scheduled for 06/18/2021 at 3:00PM this Team are not communicating with Notary as usually... I have had contact the signer to confirm appointment for tomorrow and signer seems to be edging.... Yesterday, received a texting about Collect due to closing to check made to WFG Lender Services.
They never send me a Work Order confirmation but has had provide address and time to be confirmed with signer(s).
Now, It seems that I never able to log in on the page they insisted me to log in to updated profile and so on.
It has puzzled how these Notary Signing Agents are operating by disregarding and consideration to a Notary Public Signing Agent.
I can not know where are these people to confirm the particulars of this Order.
Credibility and accountability seems to be required only from a Notary Public. These Lenders are not in compliance with State Rules and Regulation.
Here is comes this Eagle BPO Services under some umbrella to make believe they are a big shot! Oh! well...
Live and learning the faces of adversities trying to disregarding a Notary Public Signing Agent
Be aware of the Eagle BPO Services

Msg #632799

9 replies
How to screw up a Quicken Loan
By Clem/CA on 6/16/21 11:39pm

Give it to WFG to add 55 pages of their junk docs to it...

Msg #632798

4 replies
Xome Signings
By Dennis reno on 6/16/21 11:31pm

Impossible to communicate with. NO ONE reads their email and fol up tech msgs.

Msg #632761

12 replies
Borrower with expired ID in Massachusetts
By JustANotary on 6/15/21 12:47pm

A signer in MA is over 80 and the ID expired less than 1 year ago. Is there a 1 year extension like there is in California? She will be getting a temporary senior ID, can the temporary be used, or do they need the actual picture ID after it arrives? And if none of those work, do you use two witnesses as we do here in CA?

Msg #632758

20 replies
Say What? Supply witness 4signing in CA or via VideoCHAT
By Heather Reinhold on 6/15/21 12:16pm

From Title in Chicago. Per Fosetti FL. Unbelievable. Who does this??????

Msg #632748

11 replies
By Suzanne/OH on 6/14/21 10:42pm

Have been closing for them for 8 years, since they were Title Source. Suddenly I have been getting closings for them through signing agencies instead of direct. When I asked why no one knows. Just wondered is this happening to anyone else?

Msg #632740

4 replies
Is it really necessary?
By Luckydog on 6/14/21 5:21pm

I have a 72-page investment packet for a closing and 16 blank pages in it letter and legal mixed x 2. It seems they separated a blank page between the different docs. Ugh. Needless to say, I collected my 32 pages and reusing them. Make me wonder what the heck and such a waste of paper...

Msg #632736

2 replies
Just another warning - Be careful before clicking links!
By JanetK_CA on 6/14/21 2:25pm

My inbox just got blasted with several messages from title companies with secure links to docs for upcoming signings. There was also one from a title company which isn't involved in any of the pending signings I have. The subject line says "Stewart: INITIAL CD, HOI & Balancing Approval Closing & Payoff".

This was either sent to the wrong person or is phishing - and I won't be clicking the link to find out! It appeared to be from a person in St. Augustine, FL, which is what tipped me off at first (along with the fact that I'm not expecting anything from Stewart Title right now). I believe I've received fake emails from there before. They are getting better and better at making these look like the real thing...

I heard on the news recently that there are outfits in various parts of the world using computers to generate massive, even random, phishing schemes, so we can't be too careful, if we want to keep our systems secure. Most of you know this, but for anyone new, don't click on any link unless you know who it's from and you're expecting it!

Msg #632725

16 replies
A long-needed survey is available NSA Income
By Lee/AR on 6/14/21 11:14am

The link:

What I found interesting was the pre & during pandemic comparison. Don't know how they got their numbers because I am not a member, but assume it was via self-select by XYZ members. Still, it looks like a good cross-section is included.

Msg #632718

2 replies
Question for FL notaries (I'm in IL)
By Linda Juenger on 6/14/21 10:04am

When witnesses are required, is it only the recordable docs that need a witness? Does the Correction agreement need a witness? I have only ever had the Mortgage and Riders need witnesses. Please help. Thanks

Msg #632711

3 replies
CA Los Angeles County Mailing in notary bond
By Gsilvanotary on 6/14/21 4:58am

I was wondering who else has mailed there notary bond for recording and has experienced a bit of delay. I sent the bond by certified mail a week ago and I’m still waiting for the bond.
It was sent to the Norwalk County Recorders Office.

Msg #632710

0 replies
California, Mailing in notary bond, n/m
By Gsilvanotary on 6/14/21 4:52am

Msg #632709

1 replies
Arizona Notary fees
By Vicki Neider on 6/13/21 11:28pm

A few questions..what is the range of fees you charge for a typical refi or purchase. I am becoming a Notary in Prescott area very soon. I am currently a Notary in California where fees are between $100-$150. Is Arizona similar? Also, in the past 3 weeks business has dropped off considerably here in it slow in AZ right now too?
I appreciate any input.

Msg #632697

27 replies
I need it on a T-shirt...(Cali Journals)
By Kellosh/CA on 6/13/21 1:27am

"But last time I refinanced a few months ago, I only had to sign the journal once."

I know laws and practices vary by state, but I hear this one from clients at least three times a week. And that hasn't been legal practice in California for at least a decade. Our law requires each notarized document and each signatory on that document has a unique, complete entry in the journal. Does anyone else run into this constantly (assuming your state, like Cali, requires a unique entry for each document notarized)? I even had this happen this week when signing paperwork for my own loan. The notary who was sent out to me had written one line in her journal for me and one of my husband with the document listed as "refinance package." When I refused to sign that, she was surprised to learn from me that she had to write an entry for every single document we signed and she notarized. (She'd only been doing NSA work for a few months and says this was the way she'd been been instructed in her NNA-run training. She even said she did a tandem appointment with another notary recently and they had used the same method.)

Msg #632692

2 replies
Disturbing comment from SS scheduler just now ...
By  Yoli/CA on 6/12/21 3:53pm

Got a call for a seller signing this coming Monday. While accessing my Google calendar, I'm repeating the date/time/location/type info given by the scheduler. She says, "I don't know how you manage to keep all this organized." HUH??!!?? "I use a calendar."

Wonder how organized this SS is .... ?? We couldn't agree on a fee. Wink

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