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You are replying to this message: | | Posted by BrendaTX on 6/17/05 5:13am
Posted by Anonymous formerly known as AngelinaAZ, I think - on 6/17/05 1:55am Msg #45440 from logged in user Hello from all of us at Notary Rotary!
This site can be a great resource for you on your journey to becoming a great signing agent. Building your own business can be a tough thing and nobody can hold your hand and do it for you. Please know that this is a competitive business, and the harder you work for yourself, the more successful you will be.
We do have some great advice for you to get you started.
Tip 1) The orange search button can be a great tool. Use it to look up a question before you post it on the board and chances are… you may find that the answer to your question is right in front of you. Although you are new and excited… and we are excited for you, your first ten questions have probably been asked and answered about a thousand times.
Tip 2) Study hard and stay positive. You have to be thick skinned in this business and sometimes, the best information can come from a cranky attorney who just might bite your head off! Learn from everybody!
Here are some answers to frequently asked questions from the board:
1. How do I get started as a Signing Agent? Read message #33325 by Dorothy/MI
2. How much should I charge? You will have to figure out your own fees based on your area and your expenses. That being said, most of us universally agree that the baseline price for a Single package should be NO LESS than $65-75 for a package delivered to your home plus an additional $25 if it is E-Doc. This is considered an acceptable fee from a Signing Service for a round-trip of 40 miles. (That means 20 miles one way). Many have argued this point and you can find differing points of view by doing a search on ‘fees’.
3. How long should a signing take? Read message #7453 by CaliNotary.
4. What should I carry in my briefcase? Read message #19302 by Lee/AR
5. How can I market myself to Title Co.’s? Read message #42637 by BrendaTX
There are many more answers out there to lots of questions, …printing problems… opinions on good or bad signing services…specific document Q&A…, if you have the desire to excel, we recommend lots and lots of searching… studying…and hard work. Remember, it is all up to you! GOOD LUCK!
So now that you are on your way, take a minute to tell us what state you are in and your favorite thing to do for fun!