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 Brenda...tsk tsk tsk
Posted by Winston_Tn on 5/19/06 1:57pm

“WARNING - DO NOT READ if you are not interested in my philosophy on things!!!”

How very clever to insert your disclaimer at the forefront of your message. How would one know if they had an interest in your philosophy on things, prior to reading your philosophy on things?
This post is disturbing to me for several reasons, the first being the seemingly transparent effort to convince or substantiate the content of your writings to yourself , and secondly, that the content itself is often at odds imho, and lays generic referencing to the ‘manual’ that has many different interpretations for many people.
To become “totally at peace with things”, one must abandon strong opinions and deny the adoption of any philosophy. So little in our lives is truly under control. It starts before we are even born. We exercise no control over who our parents are or when or where we are born. Our parents pass on to us a set of genes that determines what we look like. Will we be male or female, tall or short? Will our skin and hair be that of the majority or that of a persecuted minority? Will we be born physically or mentally handicapped? Will we be born in a free land with many opportunities for education and wealth or will we have to endure a harsh, rock-scrabble existence? All of us are dealt a hand at birth, and God expects us to play that hand to the best of our ability. Life itself … is a major tranquility destroyer! Distress and anxiety under gird much of the restlessness and disquietude that fills our lives. They are produced by the fear, uncertainty and insecurity, seeming to be at the whim of circumstances and people beyond our control. Our minds become troubled because we fear what is happening or may happen to a loved one or us. We worry that the consequences will be difficult to overcome, embarrassing, physically painful, damaging to our reputation or that we will be overwhelmed and suffer great loss. The very thought that “you have “it” figured out” would lend itself to the true inner discovery of never being able to understand “it”. To understand “it”, you would need to be blessed with fullness of character maturing into the image of God, who is perfect. To understand “it”, you must not harbor the capacity to find methods “abhorrent and disgusting”. You must not aver “The worth of a person is not in how another perceives them or judges them.”, and yet thrive on your peers very acceptance of your thoughts and values. You must accept the ways of the world, albeit about dollars, greed or power.
The peace that Jesus offers comes only as the result of God's calling by His Spirit through which He works in and through us to bring us into loving submission to the way of peace. That is the way of daily talking and walking with God, coming to know intimately His faithful, loving use of His wisdom and power to complete His glorious purpose in our lives. It produces a peace that passes all understanding because then everything is under perfect control ( Romans 8:28-30 ).

This local pulpit speech was written out of sheer boredom…and the fact that I felt the need to rein B_Tx in….LOL For does not the shepherd forsake the entirety of his flock, to rescue the one lost sheep whom has wandered astray?

For the rest of you peace seekers…try this…Ommmmmmmmmmm……Ommmmmmmmm

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