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You are replying to this message: | | Posted by NVLSlady/MD on 9/23/22 6:05pm
Yes!! Always a system. If an atty or lender called me direct, one of my first questions was, "Who should I invoice for services?" If they needed to pass the buck to TC, that was fine just so long as my confirmation with HIRING party info was formally accepted.
I had a good system where I had them complete the job requirements, fee, terms, shipping preference, closing date, their order no., etc. on a Google form online. And it worked really well. If the same TC requested me (as happened during the pandemic), I would sometimes just fill in the form myself and email to them to check and confirm details to save them time.
What I didn't so much like was when ALL involved parties cc'd me on all the emails back and forth!! Yuck |