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 NSA Professional Standards
Posted by  MistarellaFL on 8/16/08 11:36am

NSA Professional Standards
Posted by MichiganAl of MI on 8/15/08 10:00am Msg #260165

Renee Kovacs and I have been working on starting our own Michigan network over the last month. I won't get into it any further or post any links because frankly, I think we've all seen more than enough advertising and link posting lately. But part of the project includes setting standards for what we think an NSA should be/could be. This was put together through input from many individuals and other state networks. Just some food for thought:

Provide clear & accurate loan document presentations at signings - Describe to the borrower the documents being signed and point out the terms of the loan. Understand the difference between this and UPL. An "exceptionally professional" loan signing agent is NOT just a notary who points & obtains signatures.

Guarantee the accuracy of our services 100% - Should our work ever contain an error or omission accountable to us, correct it and resolve it IMMEDIATELY and at our own expense.

Value our profession - understand how undervaluing our service and professional skill impacts the industry as a whole. Place a respectable value to our business, our services, our knowledge & professionalism, and our industry as a whole.

Understand & uphold the GLBA, the Privacy Act, and proper business ethics - All information pertaining to a borrower is to be held in accordance with these Acts, which INCLUDES our absolute abstinence from marketing anything, in any way, to any borrower or signer at any time, for any reason with the SINGLE exception of notary services (where appropriate). This includes but is not limited to mentioning ANY affiliations we may have with products (such as Mary Kay, Avon, etc) or services (such as Money Merge Accounts, Pre-Paid Legal, Real Estate, etc).

A WRITTEN Privacy Policy.

Have the appropriate hardware & software needed, and the skill to use them - Including a laser printer, have high-speed internet service, available fax service, and are reachable by phone and/or e-mail at any reasonable hour. Maintain accurate business records, have an organized process, and conduct ourselves as a Small Business owner rather than a Notary with a hobby.

Complete familiarity with our own state Notary Public Act - Knowledge of the laws governing Notary Publics allows us to be exceptional in our field, and prevents us from ever submitting to any person's attempt to intimidate us into performing an illegal act. Never compromise the laws by performing illegal acts, including but not limited to falsifying a date on our notarial certificates, accepting less than satisfactory identification, or participating in something we suspect could be illegal or unethical.

Strive for same-day return shipping of loan packages - Understand our clients' need for expediency AS WELL AS accuracy. Return all packages the same day whenever the appointment time allows for it. Understand that this is one of our clients' most frequent complaints of the notary loan signing industry and as an exceptional NSA, we view same-day shipping as a crucial part of our service.

Know when to ask a question, and whom to ask - Understand that it is always better to ASK for direction than to risk doing something wrong. An exceptional professional knows when to ask, and also knows where to go for the correct answer, and does not fail to ensure that they understand precisely how to provide accurate service at all times.
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