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You are replying to this message: | | Posted by lulu on 4/5/06 8:58am
Yes it is great to hear about some of the insider information. I agree that the knowledgeable problem solving sa is the added value. I believe we are the field buffer. We are trained to know the state laws and catch the mistakes at the table. Some docs tell you to NOT make any changes without approval. This is a problem when the office has closed and their is no one to get approval from and once again this is where the knowledgeable problem solving is needed. Those judgement calls we have to make based on our continued work with a particular lender, tc etc. Yes we do run a fine line sometimes in whether we are advising them. Once more it's the knowledge thing. Not sure how it would hold up in court, but I have a disclaimer that I have all borrowers sign at the end of closing that not only confirms that I have administered the oath but also makes them aware of my role and that I cannot advice them. Stating that I am trained to be familiar with documents. If they have a question I can hopefully find their answer for them within the docs and if not we can make a phone call to get the answer or they have the next three days to get their questions answered and if not to their satisfaction they can sign the RTC. I wish their were a way we could get feedback on how many of our loans close and in addition I always like feedback on the accuracy of the docs I send back. I know this is not realistic, in an ideal world. I guess I just have to rely on those people who do give feedback and the referrels from companies I work with to know I must be doing a good job. Gotta get to work for now. All Have a Good Day! |