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You are replying to this message: | | Posted by Sherri_NWA on 4/4/06 11:22pm
Dear Title,
I work in a legal department and with our company I record a lot of docs (plats, supplemental declarations & deeds, for the most part) in about 10 counties that I can think of off the top of my head right now in about 7 different states (we have been adding a lot of property lately). Most of the counties (state regulations) that I work with have requested blue ink because they can tell that they are not copies. Some of these states also have gone to letter size documents only and we have had to conform all of our contracts, deeds etc. Missouri and Arkansas for example, will impose an extra $25.00 fee for a non-letter size documents. They also have strict top front page margins and bottom last page margins for recording stamp purposes. I know I am off the topic here and most people might not care about any of this. If I get slammed, so what. I have broad shoulders, I can handle it, lol.
So back to the blue/black ink issue, I prefer blue because I know a document will not get kicked back because of the "not knowing if it's a copy or not" issue. I will use black ink if the instructions state it though. I do read them. LOL.
~Sherri |