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 Re: Where was the urgency in June when the original
Posted by  Dianne Pickard on 8/16/08 9:13am

I have no idea, Philip.

I came on the board, as so many of us do, to vent about personal experience with a company I considered unprofessional in the way they had conducted business with me based on events of the previous day and the early morning hours of the original post. A few people responded and that was the end of it.

After receiving no overnighted docs or phone calls, I called the service and told them that based on what had happened thus far and their poor reputation in Signing Central, I had no interest in dealing with them any further and to get someone else.

They pleaded with me to stay on the case. I told them that I would have to have a written guarantee of payment before I would fool with them after the way I felt they had started this transaction off. We made a deal that I felt was acceptable to me for the degree of risk I took based on their proven track record in Signing Central of slow/non-payment.

I did the closing. I received a check in the mail a week later and was satisfied. I thought that was the end of the story.

Yesterday, when I came in from doing a closing, I received an email alerting me that they had posted a response which included the borrowers name, address and phone numbers.

I read the posting and responded to it. I saw no need to do any nit picking of the fine details of their posting except for being upset that they had published on this forum, which later proved to be not once, but twice, private information regarding the borrower(s).

Their main bone of contention seems to be that they say they sent a conformation email which I never received. They also made a big thing of saying they paid me. I never alleged that they hadn't.

What Steve did after 2 months speaks volumes and was as unprofessional, in my opinion, as the way they conducted business with me to begin with, prompting my original post.

I also felt that he misrepresented some facts yesterday, which phone records, for one thing, if it becomes necessary in a court of law, can certainly prove.

Additionally, I made every attempt to notify Harry of the second posting, which has now been deleted thanks to the quick response of NotRot staff.

That's all I know.

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