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Re: Hell no you weren't wrong!
Posted by MB_NC of NC on 3/29/06 5:51am Msg #109251
I had somebody last week offer me a signing (e-docs) about 1/2 hour away from me. I said sure...until he turned down my fee and told me that he could only pay 75.00-80.00! For e-docs? 30 minutes away? I don't think so. And then he "advised" me that since it wasn't to far from me that it really shouldn't be a problem!!! I told him to have a nice day and hung up on. Good thing I enjoy a little humor every day..or I would have been offended Smile
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Messages in this Thread
 $80 for an 1 1/2 hour drive one way!?! -  mnotaryca on 3/29/06 1:33am
 Hell no you weren't wrong! -  Mung/CA on 3/29/06 1:38am
 Re: Hell no you weren't wrong! - Anonymous from on 3/29/06 2:59am
 Re: Hell no you weren't wrong! - MB_NC on 3/29/06 5:51am
 Re: Hell no you weren't wrong! -  BrendaTx on 3/29/06 5:57am
 Brenda I sent you an email. B. n/m -  hcampersFL on 3/29/06 6:15am
 Re: Hell no you weren't wrong! - MB_NC on 3/29/06 6:26am

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