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Re: Can I ask a question....?
Posted by Dee_Fla of FL on 4/4/06 10:24pm Msg #111073
I do appreciate you all 's thoughts, suggestions and advise on least 99.9% of us are in some agreement how this industry is working. However, I still say, we have a voice and it still needs to be heard (ok...somehow).

It was just a thought and curious how many really thought about it.

Safe hugz to all...& sweet dreams...gnite Smile (smile)
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Messages in this Thread
 Can I ask a question....? - Dee_Fla on 4/4/06 2:25pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....? -  BarbaraL_CA on 4/4/06 3:06pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....? - Anonymous from on 4/4/06 5:44pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....? - Accurate Signing Agency, Inc. on 4/4/06 6:02pm
 Thank you for sharing this info... -  BarbaraL_CA on 4/4/06 6:14pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....?Very well said-Thanks n/m -  LkArrowhd/CA on 4/4/06 6:25pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....?Very well said-Thanks -  LkArrowhd/CA on 4/4/06 6:26pm
 How very refreshing... -  TitleGalCA on 4/4/06 6:32pm
 Re: How very refreshing... - Accurate Signing Agency, Inc. on 4/4/06 6:38pm
 Re: How very refreshing... -  TitleGalCA on 4/4/06 6:49pm
 Re: How very refreshing... - Accurate Signing Agency, Inc. on 4/4/06 6:53pm
 Re: How very refreshing... Question to TitleGal -  John_NorCal on 4/4/06 9:44pm
 John, I'll have to ask. -  TitleGalCA on 4/4/06 10:10pm
 Well done... -  Sherri_NWA on 4/4/06 10:51pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....? - MichiganAl on 4/4/06 8:58pm
 Re: Can I ask a question....? - Dee_Fla on 4/4/06 10:24pm

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