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Beware the 50 year mortgage!!!
Posted by Jahari Davis of MI on 5/14/06 1:37am Msg #119757
I saw this article and thought..."It has begun!" A 50 year mortgage?!!! I've heard of some crazy things but come on...a 50 year mortgage? I dont know about you guys but I dont wanna be paying for a house into my 80's. You'd stand a better chance borrowing from a guy named Momo in Jersey. I mean come on. Predatory lenders are salivating at the idea of a 50 year ARM mortgage, because they know they can slap compounding interest for the first 15 years on it at like 12% and call it good...and people that dont know any better will be cool with it!!! Watch and see peeps. Watch and see.
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Messages in this Thread
 Beware the 50 year mortgage!!! - Jahari Davis on 5/14/06 1:37am
 Re: Beware the 50 year mortgage!!! -  Kelly M Robertson on 5/14/06 8:46am
 Re: Beware the 50 year mortgage!!! -  Sher_AZ on 5/14/06 9:00am
 Re: Beware the 50 year mortgage!!! -  John_NorCal on 5/14/06 9:52am
 Re: Beware the 50 year mortgage!!! -  LkArrowhd/CA on 5/14/06 10:28am
 Re: Beware the 50 year mortgage!!! -  BrendaTx on 5/14/06 4:03pm
 Re: Beware the 50 year mortgage!!! - Jahari Davis on 5/14/06 12:46pm
 Jahari, I think you're missing the point. -  MichiganAl on 5/14/06 8:25pm
 Re: Beware the 50 year mortgage!!! - sue_pa on 5/15/06 7:09am
 Re: Beware the 50 year mortgage!!! sue - I totally agree -  BrendaTx on 5/15/06 8:02am
 Re: Beware the 50 year mortgage!!! - Julie/MI on 5/15/06 8:26am
 Re: Beware the 50 year mortgage!!! - Jahari Davis on 5/15/06 1:48pm
 Answerr to the Fed - Anonymous from on 5/28/06 5:42pm

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