Yes they need the W-9 with your ss/fein on it. If they pay you more than $600 in a year, they are required to send you a 1099 at the end of the year. A copy of this also goes to the IRS so be sure to report those on your taxes just like you would a W-2. I have been asked for Copy of Commission, W-9, resume, e&o, bond, proof of auto insurance, copy of driver's license and yes copy of my stamp. My South Dakota commission certificate actually has my stamp affixed to it. That is part of the application process so nothing I can do there. I suppy W-9, copy of commission, ins and bonding. I don't do resumes. I do not send copy of auto ins or driver's license but I do make a note to them that my driver's license and personal auto ins are not applicable to the situation and that a copy of my commission and W-9 should suffice as proof of who I am and that I have a valid commission. Since I have an fein, I don't feel they need to know my personal information including address AND birth date. That is just asking for identity theft IMO. |