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Re: What do you do when documents are wrong?
Posted by Mortgage Closers of San Antonio - Kenneth C Whitton Jr of TX on 12/6/04 11:02pm Msg #12871
I agree... If there is just some huge obvious mistake on the documents that can be easily caught, then I would notify the lender and/or title company per closing instructions and SS instructions. If you make those decisions on your own, you could be construed as practicing law without the proper license, a risk I would prefer not to take. When I find a mistake that seems obvious to me and cannot reach anyone, I document thoroughly so that when the title company catches their error, I can prove that it was not my fault and that they will be billed for the second trip.
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Messages in this Thread
 What do you do when documents are wrong? - Serina/VT on 12/6/04 7:13pm
 Re: What do you do when documents are wrong? - CaliNotary on 12/6/04 8:00pm
 Re: What do you do when documents are wrong? - Mortgage Closers of San Antonio - Kenneth C Whitton Jr on 12/6/04 11:02pm
 Even HUGE mistakes may be left "as is" ... - Bobbi in CT on 12/7/04 12:06pm
 Re: Even HUGE mistakes may be left "as is" ... - Serina/VT on 12/7/04 12:16pm
 Serina, where are you... - Maureen/nh on 12/8/04 7:47am
 Re: Serina, where are you... - Serina/VT on 12/8/04 8:25am
 Re: Even HUGE mistakes may be left "as is" ... -  PAW Notary Services on 12/7/04 2:03pm
 Re: Even HUGE mistakes may be left "as is" ... - Bob-Chicago on 12/7/04 4:26pm
 "Legal Description" - Bobbi in CT on 12/7/04 7:24pm
 Re: "Legal Description" -  HisHughness on 12/7/04 10:50pm
 Re: "Legal Description" - sue on 12/8/04 7:33am
 Re: "Legal Description" - Maureen/nh on 12/8/04 7:45am
 Re: "Legal Description" - Serina/VT on 12/8/04 8:28am
 Re: "Legal Description" -  PAW Notary Services on 12/8/04 12:38pm
 Re: "Legal Description" - Serina/VT on 12/8/04 1:36pm
 Re: "Legal Description" - Terri - CA on 12/8/04 8:17pm
 Re: "Legal Description" -  PAW Notary Services on 12/8/04 9:54pm
 Re: "Legal Description" -  PAW Notary Services on 12/8/04 10:08pm
 Re: "Legal Description" - Serina/VT on 12/9/04 5:22am
 Re: "Legal Description" - VA757Notary on 12/16/04 8:29am

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