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Re: Wow...
Posted by  BrendaTx of TX on 2/9/07 6:50am Msg #174860
**I've got a great idea. How about we all wait and see what the autopsy and toxicology reports reveal? I'm not goin where everyone else has with the talk of overdose. Its interesting how everyone has gone that route and I'm not just talking here on this thread. **

I have a better about you build an even better Jahari who doesn't speak in condescending-know-it-all tones. There is a reason your posts grate on people. You have a propensity for clucking your tongue at people for thinking differently than you.

There's a difference in having a differing opinion and clucking your tongue at everyone else who is not on your same page.
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Messages in this Thread
 O-T.. Anna Nicole Smith has died!... -  ck_KY on 2/8/07 3:10pm
 Re: O-T.. Anna Nicole Smith has died!... - Cynthia/CA on 2/8/07 3:42pm
 How many guess it's an overdose? -  MistarellaFL on 2/8/07 5:11pm
 Message Deleted - User from on 2/8/07 5:17pm
 Re: How many guess it's an overdose? - ZeeCA on 2/8/07 5:56pm
 Wow... - Jahari Davis on 2/9/07 12:15am
 Re: Wow...The tragdy goes without being spoken out load, JJ - TitleGalCA on 2/9/07 12:43am
 Re: Wow...The tragdy goes without being spoken out load, JJ - Jahari Davis on 2/9/07 10:44am
 Message Deleted - User from on 2/9/07 10:53am
 Re: Wow... -  BrendaTx on 2/9/07 6:50am
 Re: Wow... - Jahari Davis on 2/9/07 10:35am
 Re: Wow... I'll just let this one make my point. Thanks. n/m -  BrendaTx on 2/9/07 10:39am
 Re: Wow... -  Becca_FL on 2/9/07 10:47am
 Message Deleted - User from on 2/9/07 10:48am
 Message Deleted - User from on 2/9/07 10:52am
 Message Deleted - User from on 2/9/07 10:54am
 Message Deleted - User from on 2/9/07 10:58am
 Message Deleted - User from on 2/9/07 11:04am
 Message Deleted - User from on 2/9/07 11:03am
 Message Deleted - User from on 2/9/07 11:06am
 Message Deleted - User from on 2/9/07 11:10am
 I can't wait til these are deleted. n/m - Jahari Davis on 2/9/07 11:10am
 Message Deleted - User from on 2/9/07 11:12am
 Message Deleted - User from on 2/9/07 11:14am

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