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Posted by Lee/AR of AR on 7/27/07 1:32pm Msg #202271
Sorry. Being a new notary right now is a lot like buying a ticket for the Titanic's maiden voyage. Things really slow & you have a lot of experienced (& not so experienced) competition. Go to Plan B. Really.
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Messages in this Thread
 NEW NOTARY--in L.A. - Robert Rainer on 7/27/07 1:28pm
 Re: NEW NOTARY--in L.A. - Lee/AR on 7/27/07 1:32pm
 Re: NEW NOTARY--in L.A. -  Roger_OH on 7/27/07 1:36pm
 Ca is overrun by notaries and not enough work 2 go around! n/m -  Charles_Ca on 7/27/07 2:01pm
 How can Calif be overrun with notaries when we are the -  Joan Bergstrom on 7/28/07 1:39am
 Re: How can Calif be overrun with notaries when we are the -  Hugh Nations Signing Agents of Austin on 7/28/07 2:43am
 Re: NEW NOTARY--in L.A. - CJ on 7/27/07 10:52pm
 Re: NEW NOTARY--in L.A. - SoCal Signing Co. on 7/27/07 3:10pm
 Robert ~ This last post is classic, use the SEARCH feature -  Charles_Ca on 7/27/07 5:02pm
 SoCal Signings, $65 for e-docs? Yep, get those newbies -  Charles_Ca on 7/27/07 5:41pm
 Re: SoCal Signings, $115 for a double w/edocs -  Ndwa on 7/27/07 7:01pm

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