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Express Signings Nationwide
Posted by Anonymous of CA on 4/23/03 7:14pm Msg #21
Never fails. Every message board I have viewed I always find someone who this company has taken advantage of. Please, please, please, if you haven't already, please file a BBB report on this company if they have failed to pay you. At least there will be documentation of this companies practices and we can help protect other notaries. I beg you please file a report, it can be done online. . It has been over four months since I have provided a service for this company and they have not paid. I come in contact with people almost every day who they have done the same thing to. Come on guys! Let's put them out of business. My email address is I have their last know telephone numbers, email and address. Email for the info.
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 Express Signings Nationwide - Anonymous on 4/23/03 7:14pm

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