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I was taking to a Notary friend in the CA inland Empire toda
Posted by  Joan Bergstrom of CA on 8/29/08 12:55am Msg #262496
One of my Notary friends and I compared assignments today. We both work in the Inland Empire and between us we had 6 assignments.

She had 3 loans at a title office (all foreclosure purchases for 1 borrower) and 1 trip to a jail.

I had 1 loan signing and 1 structured settlement annuity.

My friend was hired by a local signing company and she asked me if the amount she agreed to was okay?

I said she should have gotten more money; but, we are all going through difficult times in CA and I would have taken the amount she was offered.

My situation wasn't much different, I made $215 and should have made over $300.

I worked for less than normal, but I will do over 38 signings this month and I will get through this tough period in the Inland Empire.

We all need to get past this period and I know how to market myself and if I can help a Notary in CA , just email me or call me 951-522-4919.

When you email me just put in the code: joan bergstrom

I won't be trying to sell you a class or wanting you to buy my book: I just want to help CA Notaries and of course if the market improves in Calif....................................Check in later.


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Messages in this Thread
 I was taking to a Notary friend in the CA inland Empire toda -  Joan Bergstrom on 8/29/08 12:55am
 Things must be slow on the other boards. -  BrendaTx on 8/29/08 6:14am
 Message Deleted - User from on 8/29/08 10:50am
 Hank, you are, once again, completely misinformed. -  Becca_FL on 8/29/08 10:59am
 Hank, you are, once again, completely misinformed. -  hcampersFL on 8/29/08 11:04am
 Re: Hank, you are, once again, completely misinformed. -  MistarellaFL on 8/29/08 11:05am
 Don't hold back, Henry-Let us all know how you really feel! -  BrendaTx on 8/29/08 12:26pm
 Re: Don't hold back, Henry-oops...correction... -  BrendaTx on 8/29/08 12:26pm
 Henry...IMO you are totally out of line with this post -  Linda_H/FL on 8/29/08 12:26pm
 Re: Henry...IMO you are totally out of line with this post -  BrendaTx on 8/29/08 12:29pm
 Re: Brenda your awesome! - SueW/Tn on 8/29/08 5:37pm
 Re: Brenda your awesome! -  BrendaTx on 8/29/08 6:06pm
 Re: Things must be slow on the other boards. - CaliNotary on 8/29/08 11:18am
 Joan I really like you. You always show a positive attitude -  hcampersFL on 8/29/08 7:59am
 Re: Joan I really like you. You always show a positive attitude - Jessie Calderon on 8/29/08 2:38pm
 Jessie you've been called on the carpet before for -  hcampersFL on 8/29/08 3:32pm
 Re: Jessie you've been called on the carpet before for - Jessie Calderon on 8/29/08 4:17pm

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