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I'd advise you to seek advice
Posted by  Gary_CA of CA on 8/29/08 7:10am Msg #262510
As others have said, you don't have to have her resign if it's an ack.

But I would. #1 Just to be safe. #2 Because the LO present knows better and I'd want him/her to know I was on the ball.

Also... I'd be very nice to the LO, but I wouldn't let them make my notary decisions for me. They can do the rest of the signing, no problem, but not decide things like whether or not I want the doc I'm acknowledging signed in my presence... or whatever.

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Messages in this Thread
 Any advise???? - GIna Cardona on 8/28/08 8:24pm
 Was it an ack or jurat? n/m -  Linda_H/FL on 8/28/08 8:26pm
 Re: Any advise???? - Ardel Richter on 8/28/08 8:26pm
 The state says as long as it was an Ack -  Philip Johnson on 8/28/08 8:29pm
 Re: The state says as long as it was an Ack - LKT/CA on 8/28/08 11:06pm
 Re: Any advise???? -  jojo_MN on 8/28/08 8:45pm
 check out the new thread on 262325 - KODI/CA on 8/28/08 8:56pm
 Like JojoMN, I would just have her sign HER copies of jurats -  MistarellaFL on 8/28/08 9:43pm
 Re: Any advise???? - LKT/CA on 8/28/08 9:15pm
 I'd advise you to seek advice -  Gary_CA on 8/29/08 7:10am

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