Excellent point...my phone, fax, internet, insurance, bonds, advertising and others must be paid for by my business.
When business was booming, one could spread those costs over greater numbers of doc signings, making those aggragate costs pennies per day. Now that business is not the same, those costs may be dollars per day. Paper, toner, pens,gas, electricity and some other costs are more consumption related, but still have to be contained to maximize profits. These have to be figured on their own and one has to know their own area to calculate those expenses. My metropolitan area has higher consumables costs than smaller bergs, Alaska and Hawaii are higher than FL and would be calculated with a different result. My back up plan for transportation is car rental, another may take a second car, bus, train, even walk.
The list goes on and on - searching here will find exhaustive lists of expenses. So you see, it is different everywhere...I don't care if I make a million dollars with this business, but I do not want to leave this world owing a million dollars. Pennies count when they are yours...only you can decide for yourself. |