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missing borrowers Settlement Statements...
Posted by  Notarysigner of CA on 11/25/09 3:35pm Msg #312219
Anybody out there seeing this trend? You get to the signing and find out the borrower has it but you don't? Time and date stamp on your docs newer? Positive comments only please, tnx.
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 missing borrowers Settlement Statements... -  Notarysigner on 11/25/09 3:35pm
 I am positive I do not leave w/o HUD, lol. Sorry, but that -  Jim/AL on 11/25/09 3:38pm
 Re: missing borrowers Settlement Statements... -  Frank/NC on 11/25/09 3:44pm
 Re: missing borrowers Settlement Statements... -  Jim/AL on 11/25/09 3:54pm
 Good idea to check package for critical docs b4 going!! n/m - Regal/NC on 11/25/09 3:55pm
 Re: missing borrowers Settlement Statements... -  Notarysigner on 11/25/09 3:59pm
 Re: missing borrowers Settlement Statements... - Linda Juenger on 11/25/09 4:30pm
 Re: missing borrowers Settlement Statements... -  Notarysigner on 11/25/09 4:33pm
 Can honestly say I've never had that happen -  Linda_H/FL on 11/25/09 4:49pm
 Re: Can honestly say I've never had that happen -  Notarysigner on 11/25/09 4:53pm
 Re: Can honestly say I've never had that happen -  Todd/OH on 11/25/09 5:12pm
 Re: more clarifications... -  Notarysigner on 11/25/09 4:51pm
 Re: missing borrowers Settlement Statements... -  PAW on 11/25/09 5:25pm
 Re: missing borrowers Settlement Statements... -  Notarysigner on 11/25/09 5:32pm
 Re: missing borrowers Settlement Statements... - Pierces Notary Services on 11/25/09 7:19pm
 Re: missing borrowers Settlement Statements... -  PAW on 11/25/09 7:54pm
 Re: missing borrowers Settlement Statements... - Pierces Notary Services on 11/26/09 6:23am
 Public apology. Sorry James, misunderstood the question. n/m -  Jim/AL on 11/25/09 4:33pm
 Re: Public apology. Sorry James, misunderstood the question. -  Notarysigner on 11/25/09 4:36pm
 Tnks Gents & ladies, that's what this forum is 4, answers. -  Notarysigner on 11/25/09 5:29pm
 Re: Public apology. Sorry James, misunderstood the question. -  MW/VA on 11/25/09 7:22pm
 Re: missing borrowers Settlement Statements... - Pierces Notary Services on 11/25/09 7:18pm
 Not exactly -  PAW on 11/25/09 8:11pm
 Re: missing borrowers Settlement Statements... -  MW/VA on 11/25/09 7:29pm
 Re: missing borrowers Settlement Statements... -  Notarysigner on 11/26/09 7:23am

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