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Re: BofA Loan Mods
Posted by JanetK_CA of CA on 1/11/10 10:08pm Msg #317684
Like in FL, in CA, no stamp allowed without notarial wording - and it needs to be on the same page.

Looks like the one I have in the morning is the same situation someone else mentioned. The borrower already returned the documents 'cause someone told him it didn't need notarizing. Sounds like a few somebodies need to get a clue - and get their acts together on this. The scheduler who called me on this had no idea what was going on with the documents. He was unsuccessfully trying to make some sense out of the very confusing instructions. So I guess I have to print a new set of originals after all. Would be nice if someone had sent them to me! At least I have the time difference working in my favor here..

Don't you love this business??!! Wink
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Messages in this Thread
 BofA Loan Mods - Riley/FL on 1/11/10 2:41pm
 Re: BofA Loan Mods -  MW/VA on 1/11/10 3:06pm
 yup agree with Marilyn.... n/m -  Cari on 1/11/10 3:45pm
 Re: BofA Loan Mods - Lee/AR on 1/11/10 4:25pm
 Re: BofA Loan Mods - JanetK_CA on 1/11/10 4:32pm
 Re: BofA Loan Mods - Riley/FL on 1/11/10 5:17pm
 Re: BofA Loan Mods - Cam/CA on 1/11/10 6:21pm
 I guess they didn't send you the preclose instructions. - desktopfull on 1/11/10 9:04pm
 Re: BofA Loan Mods - Art_MD on 1/11/10 7:37pm
 We can't do that here... -  Linda_H/FL on 1/11/10 7:43pm
 Re: We can't do that here... - Jodith/WA on 1/11/10 9:56pm
 Re: BofA Loan Mods - JanetK_CA on 1/11/10 10:08pm
 Maryland notary as official witness - Art_MD on 1/12/10 5:24pm
 Re: Maryland notary as official witness - JanetK_CA on 1/15/10 4:16pm

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