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Re: look it like this...
Posted by  Stamper_WI of WI on 12/10/10 11:24amMsg #364605
Do they still require membership and their certification class to get the BGC? That is what I object to. Coerced membership in an organization. They nailed those types of requirements to get into pools for insruance, I remeber haveing to belong to some tax organization inorder to get private health insurance. Also at one time I was in with dairymen.
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 I have just been caught in the &%#@)&%# association vise -  HisHughness on 12/9/10 8:52pm
 Re: I have just been caught in the &%#@)&%# association vise - S Peterson on 12/9/10 9:07pm
 I send 'em what I got, which was from Here, and call it - Susan Fischer on 12/9/10 9:18pm
 the &%#@)&%# association... - S Peterson on 12/9/10 9:31pm
 Heh heh heh. n/m - Susan Fischer on 12/9/10 9:54pm
 I'm no lawyer, but this just smacks of collusion to me. -  MichiganAl on 12/9/10 10:07pm
 Like their fee schedule was price fixing? n/m - desktopfull on 12/9/10 10:13pm
 Re: I'm no lawyer: me either, and me too. That which shall - Susan Fischer on 12/9/10 10:29pm
 Re: I'm no lawyer: me either, and me too. That which shall - Tess on 12/10/10 4:40pm
 I don't shop at Walmart. I don't purchase advertising at - Susan Fischer on 12/11/10 1:01am
 Re: I don't shop at Walmart. I don't purchase advertising at - Tess on 12/11/10 11:12am
 Re: PS - Tess on 12/11/10 11:29am
 Re: I have just been caught in the &%#@)&%# association vise - Donna McDaniel on 12/9/10 10:41pm
 Re: I have just been caught in the &%#@)&%# association vise -  sanjqnvly on 12/9/10 11:10pm
 As I understand it , if a company determines that if - Bob_Chicago on 12/9/10 11:21pm
 The truth comes out -  HisHughness on 12/9/10 11:32pm
 Re: The truth comes out -  BrendaTx on 12/9/10 11:34pm
 Re: The truth comes out -  jba/fl on 12/9/10 11:49pm
 Go for it. Wish that I knew how to "photo shop" - Bob_Chicago on 12/10/10 12:08am
 Actually not -  rengel/CA on 12/10/10 1:15pm
 look it like this... -  C. Rivera Chicago Notary Services on 12/10/10 10:14am
 Re: look it like this... -  Stamper_WI on 12/10/10 11:24am
 You're the royal atty, Hugh. I suggested some time back -  MW/VA on 12/10/10 8:57pm
 One of the major tc's I work with starting sending emails -  MW/VA on 12/10/10 8:59pm
 Re: I have just been caught in the &%#@)&%# association vise -  Donna LaBelle on 12/12/10 9:07pm
 What do you mean Donna? n/m -  jba/fl on 12/12/10 9:11pm

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