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Re: No Idea. but....
Posted by Philem of OH on 5/11/05 3:03pm Msg #37165
"Flattening" is a fancy way of saying "making the fonts work with your printer." Now, I know that PDFs are supposed to encapsulate all the font info, but we've all seen times when we've opened a PDF and gotten a message along the lines of "Unsupported fonts. Use defaults?"
<rolling eyes>

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Messages in this Thread
 Adobe - what is "flattening" N/M - Art_MD on 5/11/05 1:22pm
 No Idea. but.... - Joan-OH on 5/11/05 2:17pm
 Re: No Idea. but.... - Art_MD on 5/11/05 2:20pm
 Re: No Idea. but.... - Philem on 5/11/05 3:03pm
 Thanks Philem - Art_MD on 5/11/05 8:10pm
 Re: Adobe - what is "flattening" N/M - Gerry_VT on 5/12/05 3:16am

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