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Re: Having to return to borrowers
Posted by Alabama of ? on 5/12/05 7:17pm Msg #37401
I am curious of what company is making you go back...I would not be suprised if it were Nations Direct for Ditech. If that were the case...I would charge them. I feel like they come up with things to get you to go back out.
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Messages in this Thread
 Having to return to borrowers - BeccaWI on 5/12/05 6:09pm
 Re: Having to return to borrowers - BeccaWI on 5/12/05 6:12pm
 Re: Having to return to borrowers - PeterL_CA on 5/12/05 6:19pm
 Re: Having to return to borrowers - Barry on 5/12/05 6:55pm
 Re: Having to return to borrowers -  Susan Axelrod on 5/12/05 7:15pm
 Re: Having to return to borrowers - Alabama on 5/12/05 7:17pm
 Re: Having to return to borrowers - SarahBeth_CA on 5/12/05 8:09pm
 Re: Having to return to borrowers - BeccaWI on 5/12/05 8:57pm
 Re: Having to return to borrowers - Barry on 5/12/05 9:19pm
 Re: Having to return to borrowers - MI_Notary on 5/12/05 9:18pm
 Re: Having to return to borrowers - BeccaWI on 5/12/05 9:31pm
 Re: Having to return to borrowers - Nancy in Florida on 5/12/05 9:44pm
 Re: Having to return to borrowers - BeccaWI on 5/12/05 9:51pm

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