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New York Time Warner Road Runner Users
Posted by Teasa/NY of ? on 5/14/05 11:00am Msg #37765
I use the road runner service. Is anyone using their phone service? It seems much more reasonable than the land line, but I am afraid to switch. Some users talk of calls going dead in middle of conversations, that the equiptment is junk? and that the fax is not perfected? I guess the biggest drawback is if the power goes out you have no phone or fax service. Although we do have our cells, I guess the worst case is no faxes can get in. I'm an old dog and I guess I just cannot imagine life without Alexander G. Bell. Anyway, any feedback is appreciated.
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Messages in this Thread
 New York Time Warner Road Runner Users - Teasa/NY on 5/14/05 11:00am
 Re: New York Time Warner Road Runner Users -  Dave_CA on 5/14/05 1:21pm
 Re: New York Time Warner Road Runner Users - Teasa/NY on 5/14/05 1:26pm
 Re: New York Time Warner Road Runner Users - Cyn_NY on 5/14/05 3:22pm
 Re: New York Time Warner Road Runner Users - John / FL on 5/14/05 3:43pm

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