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Re: back to the credible witnesses
Posted by SarahBeth_CA of CA on 5/14/05 8:36pm Msg #37851
I agree with you Sam in as far as CA goes. ID must have PIPS, Photo, ID#, Physical Description, and Signature. The CA handbook lists the proper types of ID's and SS isn't one of them. In CA notaries only recognize the name that is proven to valid for identification which appears on the ID card. It would be ok if the package included a Name Affidavit containing both names on it. So then the signatures would go as follows: ID says Linda Hall, docs say Linda Jones
1. On the doc, Linda Hall AKA Linda Jones
2. On the notarial certificate, how name appears on ID
3. In journal, how name appears on ID

However it is up to the receiving agency whether an AKA signature is acceptable. I would still call and ask if they want the doc signed with an AKA. Then again some lenders may want you to have the borrower cross out thier name and write the correct one then initial, then other lenders don't. Let the lender decide how they want the docs done and do the certs and journal in the name which appears on the ID.
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Messages in this Thread
 Name on Docs didn't match D/L - Cindy-PA on 5/14/05 9:14am
 Re: Name on Docs didn't match D/L -  SamIam_CA on 5/14/05 12:26pm
 Re: Name on Docs didn't match D/L - sue on 5/14/05 1:24pm
 Thanks to all of you for your help - Cindy-PA on 5/14/05 1:37pm
 MY BAD!!! Should not give CA answer for PA - SORRY! n/m -  SamIam_CA on 5/14/05 2:04pm
 neighbors/credible witnesses -  missy_socal on 5/14/05 1:29pm
 Re: neighbors/credible witnesses -  SamIam_CA on 5/14/05 2:07pm
 Re: neighbors/credible witnesses -  missy_socal on 5/14/05 5:06pm
 Re: back to the credible witnesses -  SamIam_CA on 5/14/05 7:25pm
 Re: back to the credible witnesses - SarahBeth_CA on 5/14/05 8:36pm
 Re: back to the credible witnesses - Teri-PA on 5/15/05 7:11am
 Re: back to the credible witnesses - Teri-PA on 5/15/05 7:07am
 WOW! Shocked & Amazed by PA rules (no photo) n/m -  SamIam_CA on 5/15/05 11:17am
 Re: WOW! Shocked & Amazed by PA rules (no photo) n/m - Teri-PA on 5/15/05 2:09pm
 Re: back to the credible witnesses - sue on 5/15/05 9:15am
 Re: back to the credible witnesses -  SamIam_CA on 5/15/05 11:23am
 Re: back to the credible witnesses - Teri-PA on 5/15/05 2:11pm
 MD - No definition of proof of identity - Art_MD on 5/16/05 6:50am
 Re: MD - No definition of proof of identity - Teri-PA on 5/16/05 1:51pm
 Re: Teri - Art_md on 5/16/05 2:19pm
 Re: Teri - Teri-PA on 5/16/05 8:16pm

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