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I'm shutting down right now for the holiday because
Posted by  Notarysigner of CA on 11/23/11 2:14pm Msg #404820
I have done more signings (ya hear me Les?) the last eight days then in the last 65 days (yes I counted) so I'm blessed.

I think it was because everyone was busy and I was the only one left. ROFL
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Messages in this Thread
 I am an independent contractor -  ikando on 11/23/11 11:45am
 Re: I am an independent contractor -  jba/fl on 11/23/11 1:43pm
 Have to wonder too if any of the services will have -  Linda_H/FL on 11/23/11 1:53pm
 Re: Have to wonder too if any of the services will have -  jba/fl on 11/23/11 1:56pm
 Re: Have to wonder too if any of the services will have -  ikando on 11/23/11 2:15pm
 Re: I am an independent contractor - Buddy Young on 11/23/11 1:57pm
 Re: I am an independent contractor n/m - Buddy Young on 11/23/11 6:25pm
 I'm shutting down right now for the holiday because -  Notarysigner on 11/23/11 2:14pm
 Re: I'm shutting down right now for the holiday because -  ikando on 11/23/11 2:18pm
 Re: I'm shutting down right now...cute James... n/m - Stephanie Santiago on 11/23/11 2:26pm
 Re: I'm shutting down right now for the holiday because -  Les_CO on 11/23/11 3:00pm
 Hmmm - Cherry wine -  Don Courtney on 11/23/11 5:23pm
 Re: Hmmm - Cherry wine - Sylvia_FL on 11/23/11 5:38pm
 Re: Hmmm - Cherry wine -  Les_CO on 11/23/11 8:27pm

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